EventSoft Updates

Eventsoft updates are integrated as part of the maintenance, you can see all the evolutions below.

  • Addition :
    Employee file: New field "Major Event Monitoring" (Yes/No) for security agents (+ mention on the professional card + search for services)
  • Addition :
    New right: Connection to EventSoft outside of scheduled periods (activated by default, to be deactivated for staff on duty)
  • Improvement :
    Personnel search: Quick search by personnel number
  • Improvement :
    Service: Added a filter on the teams in the completed schedules tab
  • Improvement :
    Search for personnel on a service: Display of the end of the medical visit instead of the date of the medical visit
  • Improvement :
    Management of race types: Possibility of excluding a race type in financial management
  • Improvement :
    Licensing system
  • Correction :
    Locasyst quote display: The unit price, coef, and total were not displayed on Service, Sale, Transport type items
  • Fixed: EventSoft display broken in certain environments (firewall blocking)
  • Improvement :
    Article management: Addition of a blue dot indicating the number of documents on an article
  • Improvement :
    Assignment of drivers to a service: We can no longer assign a driver to two phases at the same time
  • Improvement :
    Export of qualifications: Addition of Status column (executive, non-executive, etc.)
  • Addition :
    “My employee profile” in mobile version
  • Addition :
    The different possibilities for creating an amendment during a modification to a service are now configurable in the configuration of salary statuses
  • Addition :
    Job offers: Creation of a parameter for the time-limited display of job offers
  • Improvement :
    Schedules achieved: Addition of the day in the Scheduled schedules column
  • Improvement :
    Schedules made: Addition of an unavailable column
  • Improvement :
    The “Display of Locasyst quotes” button moves to the Services menu and is accessible from anywhere
  • Improvement :
    Possibility of limiting the connection to SSO only (no more password possible)
  • Improvement :
    Vehicle management: New outsourced filter
  • Improvement :
    Search for global staff and on service: Search by country
  • Improvement :
    Home: Addition of the total of planned, reserved, confirmed + separation of scheduled/needs
  • Improvement :
    Single Staff Register: Possibility of sending a message to employees over the requested period
  • Improvement :
    Changing the user language by clicking on their photo in the general banner at the top
  • Improvement :
    Home: In the service tables, we display the multi-account managers
  • Improvement :
    Management of Belgian public holidays
  • Improvement :
    New interface: Global search, Quick add, Menu on the left, General ergonomics
  • Addition :
    Added administration of document types for vehicles
  • Addition :
    First name 2 field in the employee file.
  • Addition :
    Country for the identity card (exportable in resources)
  • Addition :
    Possibility of adding a new document to a service in the mobile version via a button
  • Addition :
    Addition of the right “Add document to a mobile version service” not assigned by default
  • Improvement :
    Applications: New columns displayed (Region, Age, Nationality)
  • Improvement :
  • Improvement :
    Personnel search: We select by default the personal fields linked to the company by default (by default the same as that of its file)
  • Addition :
    Services tasks: Added buttons to display and print completed forms
  • Addition :
    Planning - Display of loadings/unloadings for filters displaying routes
  • Addition :
    Expense reports: Management of mandatory or non-mandatory supporting documents in expense report types
  • Addition :
    Expense reports: Management of ceilings for expense reports in expense report types
  • Addition :
    Expense reports: New right to circumvent expense report limits
  • Improvement :
    Digital margining, addition of configuration to have geolocation or not (deactivatable on request)
  • Improvement :
    Applications: Addition of emergency contact
  • Improvement :
    Personnel search: Added City, Age, Nationality fields in the results table
  • Addition :
    Personnel search: New tile display by clicking on the "Toggle display" button
  • Addition :
    Applications: New tile display by clicking on the "Toggle display" button
  • Addition :
    Salary status, addition of a new overtime calculation method (to remuneration)
  • Ajout : Devis / Facture : Ajout des forfaits pour les articles de type personnel
  • Amélioration : Gestion des sous-traitants : Ajout d'un onglet Historique (soumis à un droit)
  • Correction :
    Service planning / Assignments: Staff assigned to a need no longer appear in the "All qualifications" category
  • Improvement :
    Personnel and vehicle schedules / Assignments: Drag n Drop phase authorized between a subcontractor and an employee
  • Improvement :
    Subcontractor management: Possibility of deleting a pending subcontractor document if you do not have the right
  • Improvement :
    Addition of the financial analysis number in the address book
  • Improvement :
    DUE and History monitoring: we display the date and the person who modified the status of the contract
  • Improvement :
    Intranet: Management of visibility by company and addition of document types in document management
  • Addition :
    Service search: Search by creator or modifier user
  • Addition :
    Mobile planning: Display of the employee's first and last name of the planning during the planning search
  • Improvement :
    The reference of the official title appears when modifying it on a qualification
  • Addition :
    Invoice quote - Added visibility of lines for printing quotes.
  • Improvement :
    Vehicle Planning/Attrib. : Added a filter to show and hide business managers on races and events
  • Improvement :
    Management of Alsatian public holidays (activation on request)
  • Improvement :
    Digital sign-in: geolocation is done when the employee is declared present on site
  • Improvement :
    Digital sign-in: the employee is automatically declared present on site when signing in
  • Improvement :
    Schedules implemented: geolocation is displayed via a map icon
  • Addition :
    Personal file: IBAN fraud alert + Confirmation message template
  • Addition :
    Possibility of mass modifying staff schedules from the phase sheet
  • Addition :
    Possibility of managing schedules, notes and deletion of a subcontractor from the phase sheet
  • Addition :
    Rights: Adjustment of rights to add subcontractor type employees and other types
  • Improvement :
    Display of phase types in salary pages
  • Improvement :
    Tours: Possibility of creating or editing a tour without closing the window
  • Correction :
    Locasyst: Display of quotes from the home page, in multi-depot if the secondary depot is not master on the item base
  • Addition :
    Framework Artist Status for qualifications
  • Addition :
    Management of late signatures with SMS sending of the list of employees concerned (activation in configuration)
  • Improvement :
    Possibility of accessing the service via the phase tooltip
  • Improvement :
    We log the deactivation and reactivation of subcontractors in the event log
  • Addition :
    Services: Management of document types
  • Addition :
    Services: Invoice quote tab in the service to have access to quotes and invoices
  • Addition :
    Personnel search: Added a filter on Belgian regions
  • Addition :
    Invoice quote: Possibility of switching from a service to a quote, possible to mass print quotes and invoices
  • Addition :
    Invoice quote: Addition of the service in the delivery
  • Addition :
    Race duplication, new options: Conservation of timetables, Shift depending on the departure tour, Application of the dates of the new tour.
  • Addition :
    Locasyst - Import of the service phase per day (and no longer over a period) (activation on request)
  • Addition :
    Search for services by projects in mobile planning
  • Addition :
    Vehicles: Synchronization with Verizon (vehicles, mileage, GPS position)
  • Improvement :
    Management of BL / BR: when signing a BL and a BR, a summary list of items whose quantity has been modified is displayed and appears in red.
  • Improvement :
    Phased management of subcontracting volume for personnel and vehicles
  • Correction :
    Subcontractor planning: in the service planning / Allocation and personnel / Allocations, we block any action if the subcontractor is invalid.
  • Addition :
    Management of delivery slips and take-back slips from Locasyst (contact Intrapole for activation)
  • Addition :
    Locasyst, allow not to update races only import. (activation on request)
  • Addition :
    CNAPS verification on employee files
  • Addition :
    CNAPS verification of subcontracting companies
  • Improvement :
    Races: After editing a race from the race search, the search is reloaded with the previous settings
  • Improvement :
    Races: deleting a race linked to a tour is no longer possible directly in the races tab of the service
  • Improvement :
    Races: The comment areas in the race edition adapt to the content entered without scrolling
  • Improvement :
    Races: Delete race directly from search if appropriate right
  • Improvement :
    Employee mini-file / Direct access to the attrib schedule when hovering over a file
  • Improvement :
    Applications module: Ability to choose to display the selection of qualifications in the application form
  • Improvement :
    Applications module: Possibility for the candidate to fill in the professional card and the identity card
  • Improvement :
    Planning of attribution services: Impossible movement from one service to another if the subcontractor is linked to a task (regardless of its status)
  • Improvement :
    Planning services attributions: Possibility of modifying the weight by clicking on it
  • Improvement :
    Planning of attribution services: Possibility of selecting the weight before adding a subcontractor
  • Improvement :
    Vehicle planning / attrib: Addition of sorting by type of service (internal or subcontractor)
  • Improvement :
    Monitoring of service contracts: Printing of contracts at the end of the line (basic, handwritten or digitally signed)
  • Improvement :
    Transat / Management of duplicate files
  • Addition :
    Contract / Addition of a “Signed handwritten employee” column for tracking manually signed contracts
  • Addition :
    Service: New type of custom field "Time"
  • Addition :
    Contract history: Multiple search for contract statuses
  • Correction :
    Shopping: The address is only added automatically if the address column is empty when creating the return.
  • Addition :
    Configuration to deactivate the availability confirmation email. (activation on request)
  • Correction :
    Taking rights into account when counting expense reports to be validated in the indicator
  • Improvement :
    Configuration of the passport renewal alert/medical visit/residence card/identity card/pro card x months before expiry (by salary status)
  • Addition :
    New right, to deactivate an employee file
  • Correction :
    Expense reports: Sorting columns
  • Improvement :
    Expense reports: Filtering by service
  • Addition :
    Address book: Multiple customer access: allows a customer to use several registered accounts to access their services (activation of licenses by Intrapole)
  • Improvement :
    Standard export, addition of a column at the end of the file for the company number.
  • Improvement :
    Service: Addition of a legend to the display of the Locasyst quote, and reactivation of the Hide staff, Preparation buttons. only and complete quote
  • Improvement :
    Staff: Sending the password from the employee file
  • Addition :
    Expense reports: Conversion of images to PDF, and probative value according to Article A102 B-2
  • Correction :
    Service: Change of qualification or deletion of non-validated sentences
  • Improvement :
    Service: Addition of personnel: Possibility of searching for a partially available person (Availability filter)
  • Improvement :
    Tour management: Removed automatic content reduction behavior
  • Improvement :
    Races: The address is not automatically replaced when changing the type of race if it is already filled
  • Addition :
    Possibility of adding staff to recurring phases of a service via the personal allocation schedule
  • Addition :
    New right "Access to EventSoft in desktop version": If the user does not have this right, he will be redirected to the mobile version
  • Improvement :
    Coffreo: Administrators and signatories configurable in the general configuration
  • Correction :
    Service: The different sheets (file, route etc.) display the warehouse address
  • Improvement :
    Service / Staff: Advanced filtering of the display (“More criteria” button)
  • Improvement :
    Sending schedule, possibility of adding people in copy, including yourself
  • Addition :
    Vehicle management: New “Assigned vehicle” field
  • Addition :
    General schedule: Tour and race view filter
  • Addition :
    Service: Update of quantities on all phases for each need in the needs tab
  • Correction :
    Working time alert: When adding an employee to a service, we base ourselves on the phases in which he is already set to calculate his alerts.
  • Improvement :
    Availability request: Added an option allowing staff to refuse a date instead of an unavailability (activation on request)
  • Addition :
    Vehicle management: Assignment of vehicle to an employee
  • Addition :
    Vehicle management: New vehicle history page and recording of file modifications
  • Improvement :
    Employee file: Main qualification displayed first
  • Improvement :
    Tour: possibility of scheduling or planning non-driving personnel on a tour
  • Improvement :
    Vehicle management: Logging of vehicle deletion
  • Addition :
    Automatic email sending according to the limit and to addresses defined in the general configuration for last minute races
  • Addition :
    Possibility of deactivating the sending of automatic confirmation emails to availability requests.
  • Addition :
    New right: Display of the observation of an employee file
  • Correction :
    The levels are now modifiable, unless they are inherited from the configuration of the official title
  • Improvement :
    Clarification of error messages when an employee tries to confirm their schedule by email
  • Improvement :
    Renaming DUE to Contracts/DUE and possibility of generating a contract without DUE
  • Improvement :
    Display of qualifications/steps on mouseover, on the salaries page when filtering on a user
  • Improvement :
    Service planning/Assignments: Addition of a day view (click on the Day view button or on the day header)
  • Addition :
    Display of the project of the service or races in the schedules
  • Addition :
    Subcontractor filter in vehicle planning / Assignments
  • Addition :
    Eye button at login to see the password entered.
  • Addition :
    Employee file: New type of document “Proof of permit”
  • Improvement :
    General planning: Filtering by region
  • Improvement :
    ICAL can display all services (if the user can display all services)
  • Improvement :
    Service planning/Assignments: Addition of a day view (click on the Day view button or on the day header)
  • Improvement :
    Planning services/Attributions: Possibility of pinning services to facilitate drag&drop
  • Improvement :
    Messages: Increase to 20MB for all PCs in an email from a service
  • Addition :
    Vehicle allocation requests: Ability to hide the needs provided
  • Addition :
    Vehicle allocation requests: Phase color code + Short company code display
  • Addition :
    Vehicle allocation requests: Multi-company filter
  • Addition :
    Vehicle allocation requests: Day, week and month display
  • Addition :
    New right to display favorites
  • Addition :
    Availability filter on responses to availability requests on personal planning allocation
  • Improvement :
    Service / Improvement of the error message when stalling or booking an employee who is already unavailable
  • Addition :
    Vehicle allocation requests: Ability to hide the needs provided
  • Addition :
    Vehicle allocation requests: Phase color code + Short company code display
  • Addition :
    Vehicle allocation requests: Multi-company filter
  • Addition :
    Vehicle allocation requests: Day, week and month display
  • Improvement :
    Service / Improvement of the error message when stalling or booking an employee who is already unavailable
  • Improvement :
    New right to view the follow-up of the races on service
  • Addition :
    Service search: "I'm lucky!" to directly display the first service found
  • Improvement :
    Personal file: In rights management, blue or gray padlock if the employee has rights or not on the entity
  • Improvement :
    Vehicles: Added mileage
  • Addition :
    Vehicles: Synchronization with Masternaut (vehicles, mileage, GPS position)
  • Addition :
    Locasyst: Import of assembly and disassembly phases (activation on request)
  • Improvement :
    Vertical Drag&Drop of routes in personal planning / Assignments
  • Addition :
    Display of phase names and notes for the "phase with missing need" feature in the general schedule.
  • Addition :
    Bulk Favorites/Team Assignment from Staff Finder
  • Addition :
    Possibility to pass EventSoft master in the creation of customer code on the address book (activation on request)
  • Addition :
    Mass validation of salaries from a service.
  • Improvement :
    Addition of filters by criterion on staff in the delivery process
  • Improvement :
    Addition of the Availabilities (stars) filter in the Personal tab
  • Improvement :
    Expense reports / Rotation of images when viewing
  • Improvement :
    Ability to create a tour from a race
  • Improvement :
    Reloading of the page when assigning or unassigning a race in a tour
  • Improvement :
    Room management / Addition of custom fields in the table
  • Addition :
    New “urgent” checkbox for sending a message to Account Managers
  • Addition :
    Services / Info on the "parent" service in the "ADDITIONAL INFORMATION" block if the service is the result of a duplication
  • Addition :
    Contract / New "Reference" field
  • Addition :
    Employee sheet: Contact in case of emergency
  • Addition :
    Possibility to define a default phase.
  • Addition :
    "Type" field empty by default for the selection of a vehicle in a service (searches for interns and subcontractors)
  • Addition :
    Contract: New field "Trial period"
  • Improvement :
    Vehicle management: Ability to display custom fields
  • Addition :
    Rights management: two new icons to view the profiles and users associated with the right
  • Addition :
    Service: Vehicle allocation: Display of vehicle notes of all phases when hovering over the note icon
  • Addition :
    Plasma planning: Added new filters
  • Addition :
    Personal export: New columns Classification title, coef, level and step
  • Improvement :
    Button (red cross) to reset the filters, on the different schedules
  • Addition :
    Display of public holidays in pink and weekends in gray when adding staff from a service
  • Addition :
    Display of a residence card type column in the employee export and resource export file
  • Addition :
    Display of the arrival contact in double address races in the planning view of the mobile race
  • Addition :
    Display of the service number and name in the Modify task from service window and in the tooltip from the personal allocation planning page
  • Improvement :
    For some of our customers (not hosted by Intrapole) authenticating themselves by selecting the first and last name, the company identifier was necessary. The latter has been removed to simplify the connection.
  • Addition :
    Popup info unavailability personal planning allocation
  • Addition :
    Types of races filter in the general schedule
  • Addition :
    Alert on the home page if the company SIRET is canceled (France only)
  • Addition :
    Qualification management: Qualification usable on tours, yes/no
  • Improvement :
    Display of all pre-selected qualifications in the filter when allocating personnel
  • Improvement :
    Display of the duration in red in timetables made + alert on signature validation if timetable >= 14h by default or configurable by Intrapole
  • Improvement :
    Display of the day in the schedules of addition of: personnel, vehicles, material, equipment
  • Improvement :
    Display of the service number in front of the service name on the service schedule
  • Improvement :
    Employee file: Reinforcement of the control of the BIC code
  • Improvement :
    Vehicle planning/Assignments: Addition of a "Planned over the period" filter
  • Improvement :
    Salary status: New option to define the Calculation of the summer/winter time transition
  • Improvement :
    Service planning: Option to display service dates
  • Improvement :
    If a person sends back a DUE, we update the Declaration column. in DUE History
  • Correction :
    Sorting between vehicles and subcontractors in the vehicle planning / Allocations
  • Improvement :
    Ability to disable or re-enable a type of unavailability
  • Improvement :
    Ability to hide notes 4/5/6/7/8 from roadmaps
  • Addition :
    Personal: Display of search results on a map
  • Improvement :
    Home: Grouping of services on the map
  • Improvement :
    Schedule of services: Display of the period of the service
  • Improvement :
    Service planning: New view grouped by account manager
  • Improvement :
    Service planning: New Location and Account Manager filters
  • Addition :
    Authentication via MFA (see activation with Intrapole)
  • Improvement :
    Applications: PDF preview by clicking on the PDF icon
  • Improvement :
    Management of subcontractors: possibility to apply a style
  • Addition :
    room planning/Attributions: display of the initials of the project manager
  • Addition :
    planning rooms/Attributions: posting of staff
  • Addition :
    personal schedules and vehicles / attributions: linking of a phase excluding benefits on a need of the day.
  • Addition :
    Rights: Display of all the rights of a user on an entity
  • Addition :
    Subcontractor: Management of document types
  • Addition :
    Subcontractor: Management of subcontractors employed
  • Addition :
    Subcontractor: Checklist of vehicle types by volume available to subcontractors
  • Addition :
    Subcontractor: Management of subcontractor and subcontractor employees documents from their respective files
  • Addition :
    Subcontractor: Sending reminder emails to update subcontractor documents and subcontractors employed
  • Addition :
    Subcontractor: Management of subcontractor planning
  • Addition :
    Subcontractor: Addition of countries to subcontractors
  • Addition :
    Subcontractor: Addition of main contact information in employee mini-sheets
  • Addition :
    Subcontractor: Vehicle type management only subcontractor
  • Addition :
    Subcontractor: Mandatory document management by Geographical Zone (France, Europe Schengen, Europe outside Schengen + rest of the world)
  • Addition :
    Subcontractor: display of the subcontractor schedule in the staff and vehicle schedules / allocations
  • Addition :
    Subcontractor: Addition of a "transport" option in order to hide the subcontractors in the rounds.
  • Addition :
    Tours: Informative logo of Tour dates in conflict with un/loading and race dates.
  • Addition :
    Rights: Log of changes to rights on a profile
  • Addition :
    Favorite menus available on allocation schedules
  • Addition :
    Export of the results of the search for services from the search for services screen
  • Addition :
    Right: Modification of matricule (even if matricule in automatic)
  • Addition :
    Races: Addition of linear floor meter information in schedules
  • Addition :
    Races: Selection of auto contact for new races
  • Addition :
    Admin: Setup warehouse address via address book
  • Addition :
    Selection of the warehouse address via the address book
  • Addition :
    Project: View on home page
  • Addition :
    Addition of route calculation with departure from the Warehouse
  • Improvement :
    Staff: Ability to trigger contracts when the employee is confirmed only (instead of stalled)
  • Improvement :
    Salaries: The Travel phase has no increase (night, holiday...)
  • Improvement :
    Salaries: The over-increases add up (ex: holiday 100% + night 50% = 150%)
  • Addition :
    Vehicles: A type of vehicle can be "Assignable on tour" or not
  • Addition :
    Service: Compulsory accreditation on a service (informative)
  • Addition :
    Service: Export of QRcodes in Resource Export
  • Improvement :
    Service: Addition of documents on follow-up
  • Improvement :
    Races/tours: Added possibility to duplicate a tour (+ races, staff, vehicles, equipment, subcontractors)
  • Improvement :
    Races/tours: Added indicator arrived on site, on a race
  • Improvement :
    Races/tours: Addition of the concept of floor meter on a race
  • Improvement :
    Races/tours: Possibility to define the departure and arrival addresses in the types of races
  • Improvement :
    Addition of unavailability on the ICAL calendar
  • Improvement :
    Vehicle needs can be defined by type + cubage + name
  • Improvement :
    Addition of personnel: Addition of Dates filter resuming those of the Personnel tab
  • Addition :
    Chances of customer agreement on a service + import from Locasyst
  • Improvement :
    Breadcrumb on the management of quotes / invoices
  • Fixed: Replacement of observations to the drag&drop of a race
  • Improvement :
    The blue banner (title) of a tour is updated during a drag&drop
  • Improvement :
    Addition of a personal budget column in the standard export
  • Improvement :
    Possibility to drag/drop races between different tours
  • Improvement :
    Unsubscribers are unchecked by default in SMS/Email sends
  • Improvement :
    Management of loading and unloading phases when dragging and dropping races
  • Improvement :
    Possibility to pin routes
  • Improvement :
    User rights are assigned at next login
  • Improvement :
    Addition of Primary Qualifications, Qualifications and Entitlement Profiles en masse on Search for Personnel
  • Addition :
    Display of the different notes (phase, planning, personnel, vehicle) on the plasma planning
  • Improvement :
    Addition of a second address marker for double address races in the route map
  • Improvement :
    Display of multiple addresses on the different screens (race search, route management, route service sheet, races allocation)
  • Addition :
    Display of the total distance of services returned on the service search
  • Addition :
    Race duplication from a service sheet
  • Addition :
    Opening of the vehicle edition directly from its mini-file
  • Addition :
    Display of the main qualification of an employee directly from his mini-file
  • Addition :
    Staff search by SMS and Email consent + blacklisted
  • Improvement :
    Addition of customer display on "Planning Rooms / Allocations", "Personal Planning / Allocations", "Planning Vehicle / Allocations"
  • Improvement :
    Addition of a Passport Not completed filter on "Search for Personnel -> Not completed -> Passport"
  • Improvement :
    Modification of the search filter by "Service" (by number or by name) on the "Planning" view
  • Improvement :
    Display of Tours on the "Service" filter (by name) on the "Planning" view
  • Improvement :
    Addition of a right (by default to everyone) to display the QR Code in mobile version
  • Improvement :
    Possibility for the user to recover his password without going through his manager.
  • Improvement :
    Ability to search for staff without defined password
  • Improvement :
    vCard export from an employee file
  • Improvement :
    Standard export: addition of two columns for the medical visit (date of the visit + expiration date)
  • Improvement :
    Availability request: Weekends and public holidays are marked in blue for more readability
  • Improvement :
    Access to personnel search (if right granted) pre-filtered via the management of salary statuses, rights profiles and qualifications
  • Improvement :
    Service planning: addition of two Customer and Qualification filters
  • Improvement :
    Professional card printing: display of the last person who printed a professional card from a personal file
  • Improvement :
    Addition of a multi-date entry in the course of a service
  • Improvement :
    Blocking alert for custom vehicle fields
  • Improvement :
    Extended availability research during staff planning
  • Addition :
    Addition of a contact form for EventSoft support on the home page
  • Improvement :
    Display of the team and the need in the addition of staff on a service
  • Improvement :
    Duplication of service: Addition of a button "Replicate end date"
  • Improvement :
    Addition of an "email" column in the alerts of the home page for CSV export
  • Improvement :
    Added room planning status (planned)
  • Improvement :
    Possibility to choose the availability dates in the personnel search page
  • Improvement :
    Personal planning / Assignments: Ability to display phase notes
  • Improvement :
    Races: Research on vehicles leaving the park
  • Improvement :
    Quotes / invoices: Invoices / down payments / credit memo cannot have a document date after the current date
  • Improvement :
    Planning of services / Attributions: Taking into account the availability of employees in the search for personnel
  • Improvement :
    Personal roadmap: Display of the driver's vehicle
  • Improvement :
    Standard export of validated and / or paid expense reports
  • Addition :
    Gateway with Easyjob software
  • Improvement :
    Races and Tours: New Collapse / Expand button
  • Improvement :
    Races and tours: Sending multiple messages
  • Improvement :
    Mobile planning: Saving filters on the user's profile
  • Improvement :
    Staff: Possibility to re-subscribe an employee to emails
  • Improvement :
    Locasyst gateway: The follow-up by (preparation of estimate insert) goes back as Project Manager in the EventSoft service instead of the technical follow-up which goes back as manager.
  • Improvement :
    Vehicle planning: Addition of the Types and Service filters. The Vehicle filter becomes a multiple choice drop-down list. Possibility to access the service by clicking on the colored banner of the vehicle phase.
  • Improvement :
    Search for races: Addition of a Driver filter and a Vehicle filter
  • Improvement :
    Application module: Possibility for the candidate to select his qualifications
  • Improvement :
    Application module: Display of the qualifications selected by the candidate
  • Improvement :
    Application module: Management of documents sent by candidates according to the types of document configured in the software.
  • Improvement :
    Service sheets: Working time alerts change display
  • Improvement :
    Mobile service: Display of the planned schedule of people if different from the phase
  • Improvement :
    Management of recurring object numbers
  • Improvement :
    Management of official qualification titles allowing to define salaries by inheritance
  • Improvement :
    Export / Import of official qualifications and titles and associated salaries
  • Improvement :
    Addition of filter on effective working period for home page alerts (configurable in salary status, or personal field)
  • Improvement :
    Addition of recurring phase on a public holiday or not
  • Improvement :
    Material exit sheet - Display material by category
  • Improvement :
    To be able to put a person 'present' on site in the digital signage (QRCode + Geoloc)
  • Addition :
    Subtotal line in Quote / Invoices
  • Addition :
    Document management in Quotes / Invoices
  • Improvement :
    Vehicle management: filtering by type
  • Improvement :
    Addition of personnel and vehicles to the Service planning
  • Addition :
    Time attendance system in mobile sign-in
  • Addition :
    Distinction between day and night public holidays as well as Sunday day and night on the qualification in non-contracted
  • Addition :
    Ability to duplicate a text template
  • Addition :
    Printing of a badge from the employee file
  • Addition :
    Employee personal fields of date type, blocking on service
  • Addition :
    Addition of a field "Technical notes" on a service
  • Addition :
    Locasyst: Feedback of technical observations in Technical Notes
  • Addition :
    Locasyst: Feedback of observations and technical observations in the display of the estimate
  • Improvement :
    Update of the phase note on the planning of services / attributions
  • Improvement :
    Update of the phase status on the service / attribution planning via a right click on the square
  • Improvement :
    Addition of a phase note in benefits or out of benefits in the personal planning / attributions
  • Improvement :
    Separate management of the dates of the service and the dates of the phase on a "New service", in the personal / attributions schedule
  • Improvement :
    Added an index to sort the qualifications
  • Improvement :
    Sorting order of qualifications on service configurable via index
  • Improvement :
    Proposal of customer contacts for the service on the addition of races
  • Improvement :
    Added tour message templates
  • Improvement :
    HTML editing of tour messages
  • Improvement :
    Addition of the curfew proof template for tours
  • Improvement :
    Addition of a status filter on Races and Tours
  • Improvement :
    Added a button to hide "empty" routes on Races and Tours
  • Addition :
    Service model
  • Improvement :
    The phase status square on the schedules is optional (Intrapole configuration)
  • Improvement :
    Alert on personalized fields of articles (Date type)
  • Improvement :
    Ability to send availability requests from a service
  • Improvement :
    Update of Proof of professional travel - 6 p.m. curfew
  • Addition :
    Text model: Proof of business trip - 6pm curfew
  • Improvement :
    Navigation between employee file is based on the last personnel search
  • Improvement :
    Search for staff without a legal profile
  • Improvement :
    Display of the number of hours of break on schedules + on services
  • Addition :
    Text template: Proof of business trip - Curfew
  • Addition :
    Management of additional costs on a service
  • Addition :
    Monitoring of service contracts in mobile version
  • Addition :
    Import of location / customer documents from the service
  • Addition :
    Sending message from employee file
  • Addition :
    Volunteer premium in standard pay export
  • Addition :
    Duplication of an address book entry
  • Improvement :
    Visual redesign and standardization of the interface
  • Improvement :
    The date of the medical visit displayed in the mini-sheets becomes the date of expiry of the medical visit
  • Improvement :
    Direct access to the employee file and sending a message when displaying a mini-file
  • Improvement :
    Room management: Addition of a sort column for the display order and an assignment by company
  • Improvement :
    Display of availability requests on personal and personal schedules / assignments
  • Improvement :
    Search for identifier not completed in the personnel search
  • Correction :
    Calculation of contracted salaries + bonus with hours worked
  • Addition :
    Sending COVID business travel proof (new text template)
  • Improvement :
    HTML formatting possible on mailings (bold, underlined, color ...)
  • Improvement :
    Weekly counters are based on salaries or on hours worked if there is no salary
  • Improvement :
    Schedules: Improved display of routes
  • Improvement :
    Addition of custom fields of vehicles in the export of resources on service
  • Improvement :
    New alert for dematerialized contracts to be sent in error (number, email, phone, e-mail missing)
  • Improvement :
    Search filter for dematerialized contracts to send in error on the history and monitoring of contracts
  • Improvement :
    Tours: addition of contact info and full address to the race overview
  • Improvement :
    Application module: management of qualifications in the application form
  • Improvement :
    Application module: Management of file updates by the employee
  • Improvement :
    Application module: Display of personalized fields in the form in an employee file
  • Improvement :
    Annual counters are based on salaries or on hours worked if there is no salary
  • Improvement :
    Add of sales meetings in the ICAL planning
  • Improvement :
    Tours: Addition of safeguards on entering schedules
  • Improvement :
    Tours: The races linked to a Canceled service no longer appear in the schedules and management of the routes
  • Improvement :
    Personal sheet from the employee file
  • Improvement :
    Course: Completion of the address when entering a service number
  • Improvement :
    Addition of signing officers on a service
  • Improvement :
    Addition of event logs in the Realized schedules page
  • Improvement :
    Service: multiple sending of documents and sorting / tools in the table
  • Fixed: Attachments in send messages are now limited to 5MB
  • Improvement :
    Tours: Display of the phases on which the vehicles are stalled
  • Improvement :
    Tours: Possibility of attaching race and tour documents when sending messages
  • Improvement :
    Service: Possibility of attaching the documents of the service when sending messages
  • Improvement :
    Addition of phases on several teams
  • Improvement :
    Display of vehicles and staff affected in the shopping list on a service
  • Addition :
    Request for availability
  • Correction :
    Import of dates on the different gateways (Locasyst, Rent +, Etah ..)
  • Improvement :
    Ability to modify the numeric index in the configuration of document types
  • Improvement :
    Addition of personal service fields on text models: @CHANTIER_CHAMP_PERSO_xxx
  • Improvement :
    Addition of filters types of vehicles and out of the park on allocation of vehicles
  • Addition :
    New access right to modify the hours worked
  • Addition :
    Saving of checked elements in the export of resources on a service sheet
  • Improvement :
    New tracking badge in the home page: Expense note(s) pending counted.
  • Addition :
    New payload field on vehicles
  • Addition :
    Tours: Alert if the total weight of the races is greater than the total payload of the affected vehicles
  • Improvement :
    Addition of schedules made in the service (Schedules performed tab)
  • Improvement :
    Possibility to reduce the display of routes in Route management
  • Correction :
    Sorting of races in the general planning
  • Correction :
    Display of the correct title of the race in the route management (instead of the name of the service)
  • Correction :
    Search for custom fields in personnel search
  • Addition :
    Management of phase statuses
  • Improvement :
    Text template management interface
  • Addition :
    My counters on the mobile version
  • Improvement :
    Added recurrence on phase duplication
  • Improvement :
    Saving of the checked options in the export of the resources of a service
  • Improvement :
    Added status "Completed" for phases + carry over to plasma
  • Improvement :
    "Current week" and "Current month" buttons in the hours worked
  • Improvement :
    Employee filter status in multi-choice in the hours worked
  • Improvement :
    Vehicle filter in multi-choice and autocompletion in the vehicle attrib planning
  • Improvement :
    Addition of predefined patterns in mobile signings
  • Addition :
    Management of sending documents before each service (ex: documents, security, covid19, etc ....)
  • Improvement :
    Better sorting of unaffected races according to morning / afternoon / evening
  • Addition :
    Display of users working on a service (to limit conflicts)
  • Improvement :
    Tours: display as a map
  • Improvement :
    Tours: sorting of races by dragging and dropping in the route management
  • Improvement :
    Possibility to modify an unavailability from the vehicle management
  • Improvement :
    Rights management: improved search
  • Improvement :
    Added pauses made in mobile signings
  • Improvement :
    Adding the confirm button from the staff search for services
  • Improvement :
    Management of hours declared by default by qualification
  • Improvement :
    Addition of a Phase Type filter on the schedules performed
  • Improvement :
    Races: during a search, the Status and Creator fields are empty by default. A Me button has been added to the Creator
  • Improvement :
    Tours: the types of Loading and Unloading phases are now frozen and used for tours
  • Improvement :
    Tours: staff can be assigned to the Loading and Unloading phases
  • Improvement :
    Tours: on a service, possibility of editing the tour, the race, and accessing the management of the tours, from the race listing
  • Improvement :
    Touring: the date of unloading becomes the date of END of unloading. An Unloading phase is created between the end of the tour and the end of unloading. The vehicle is immobilized during this period.
  • Improvement :
    Tours: display of loading / unloading of races in the shopping list when creating / modifying a tour
  • Improvement :
    Tours: the loading / unloading of new races is taken into account in the loading / unloading of the tour if no staff / vehicle is affected
  • Improvement :
    Possibility of putting a premium in automatic according to rules (Sunday, night, holiday ...)
  • Improvement :
    Management of mandatory fields on the address book (modification on request)
  • Improvement :
    Subcontractors: addition of an Identifier allowing connection via username / password
  • Improvement :
    Redesign of user interfaces for general standardization
  • Improvement :
    Confirmation popups can be validated with the Enter key, or canceled with Esc
  • Correction :
    Download of files in mobile on races / tours
  • Improvement :
    Rent + gateway: possibility to import the phases from the item name or from the planning comment
  • Improvement :
    Rent + gateway: import of the planning comment in the phase note
  • Improvement :
    Search in selection lists insensitive to accents + correspondence on the entire character string
  • Improvement :
    The right to delete a phase with stalled staff now checks the staff + stalled vehicles
  • Improvement :
    Link to Google Map from address of a race in mobile
  • Improvement :
    Addition of new information on the vehicle tooltip (subcontracted, confirmed, immobilized, dates, type)
  • Improvement :
    Standardization of the display of vehicle names (mini-form + style)
  • Improvement :
    Redesign of the shopping search interface (+ sorting, editing buttons, printing, choice of columns)
  • Improvement :
    Possibility of modifying a route from the vehicle planning / Allocations
  • Improvement :
    Addition of a right for the update from the gateways (Locasyst, Etah, Rent + ...)
  • Addition :
    Possibility to display the quotes from the tours on the mobile version
  • Improvement :
    Custom fields: passage of DATE alerts for vehicles / staff in days (automatic conversion)
  • Improvement :
    Custom fields: possibility to define an alert before or after a date
  • Improvement :
    INTRANET module: possibility to modify documents
  • Improvement :
    Ability to copy / paste phases outside Presta
  • Improvement :
    Redesign of the vehicle management interface (+ export, printing, choice of columns)
  • Improvement :
    Redesign of the staff search interface (+ export, printing, choice of columns)
  • Improvement :
    Search in selection lists + improved multiple selection
  • Improvement :
    Visual refresh popIn and text input
  • Improvement :
    Display of the staff's scheduled times on the schedules if different from the phase
  • Improvement :
    Mini-sheet for vehicles (custom fields can be displayed: Mini-sheet at Yes)
  • Improvement :
    Addition of a comment field in mobile signatures
  • Improvement :
    Display of the legend of the phase types on all the schedules
  • Improvement :
    Addition of a Qualification filter in the Needs and Personal tabs of a service
  • Addition :
    New Intranet module (Directory and General Documents)
  • Improvement :
    Expense reports: Replacement of the two filters "Service companies" and "Employee companies" with a "Company" filter filtering directly on the expense report company
  • Improvement :
    Addition of the detail of the number of people (set / planned ...) by phase on the service
  • Improvement :
    Adding a multiple selection on the Employee filter of the personal allocation schedule
  • Improvement :
    Addition of a search field on the Qualification of schedules filter
  • Addition :
    Articles: Supplier management and associated prices
  • Improvement :
    Articles: New management interface + Exports
  • Improvement :
    Addition of a loading indicator on the actions carried out in the personal and vehicle / allocation schedules
  • Improvement :
    Checking the duplicate service number ignores the case
  • Improvement :
    Support for advanced browser security options (XSS, Strict-Transport, nosniff, frame)
  • Addition :
    Day view for races / tours
  • Correction :
    Password storage on mobile
  • Correction :
    Employee fields All limited companies
  • Improvement :
    During a phase duplication, the date is transferred to the break (s)
  • Correction :
    Vehicle alerts on the home page
  • Improvement :
    Addition of a button to print the Single Staff Register
  • Addition :
    New right to plan only yourself: Addition of personnel over several phases (limited employee)
  • Addition :
    New right to plan only for out of service: Addition of staff over several phases (limited Excluding Presta)
  • Improvement :
    A service status can be defined as a cancellation status
  • Addition :
    Possibility to choose actions when canceling a service (cancel contracts, personal shift ...)
  • Improvement :
    AEM: Addition of a column "Démat." to find out if the AEM is sent to Coffreo
  • Improvement :
    Personalized employee fields: Yes / No and Date can be mandatory
  • Improvement :
    Employee custom fields: Improved migration of Multiple Choices
  • Improvement :
    Custom fields service: Improved migration of Multiple Choices
  • Correction :
    "With vehicle note" button on the roadmap
  • Improvement :
    Addition of DUE / Contracts / Amendments totals on the history of DUE / Contracts
  • Improvement :
    E-mail must be Yes on the employee file to be able to send the signed contracts electronically (in case of refusal of a user)
  • Improvement :
    Personal Planning / Attributions available for consultation and printable
  • Improvement :
    Planning Vehicles / Allocations available for consultation and printable
  • Improvement :
    HTML formatting of the welcome text of the application as well as the emails sent (receipt of application, validation, refusal, put on hold)
  • Improvement :
    Addition in the event log of the deletion of an expense report
  • Improvement :
    Search for service whose status has been deleted
  • Improvement :
    Application module: Possibility of making a field mandatory or not
  • Correction :
    Blocking on the deletion of a service status if it is already used
  • Addition :
    Sending AEMs to Coffreo
  • Improvement :
    Addition of the day in the schedule (ex: Fri 02/14/20)
  • Improvement :
    Addition of the @SALARIE_LOGIN keyword for password uploads
  • Improvement :
    Management of connection redirection on the mobile version
  • Addition :
    Calendar in ICAL format for the planning of an employee's services
  • Improvement :
    Addition of a confirmation button on the availability requests sent by email / SMS
  • Improvement :
    Addition of the information "Issued by" for the residence permit
  • Improvement :
    Display of route observations on race / route planning
  • Improvement :
    Possibility to modify route, driver and vehicle from the race / route planning
  • Improvement :
    History of the deactivation of a personal file
  • Improvement :
    Display of the assignment of the vehicle to the driver on the roadmap
  • Improvement :
    Addition of Customer and Service filters on several views of the general planning
  • Addition :
    Staff filtering on service by additional status
  • Addition :
    Detailed display on service schedule
  • Addition :
    Display of vehicle notes on the roadmap
  • Addition :
    General planning: multiple selection of Vehicles and Notes filters
  • Improvement :
    Verification of duplicate company numbers + Number 1 and 2
  • Improvement :
    Team management in personal planning / assignments and vehicles / assignments
  • Improvement :
    Addition of the date of the last export when hovering over the Accounting validation column
  • Improvement :
    Color filter for services in signed schedules
  • Improvement :
    Sending of attendance sheets by email
  • Addition :
    New alert on the number of days worked per quarter
  • Addition :
    New right allowing to export the favorites in CSV
  • Addition :
    Staff search by login
  • Improvement :
    Addition of the dates and times of loading and unloading of the races in mobile version
  • Improvement :
    Addition of the cubage of the races and the name + phone of the salesman on the route sheet
  • Improvement :
    Addition of a right to enter expense reports without time limit
  • Improvement :
    Queuing of emails to improve massive sending
  • Improvement :
    Ability to hide unassigned rights in the rights management on a profile
  • Improvement :
    Addition of material on races in mobile version
  • Improvement :
    Memorization of route management filters
  • Improvement :
    Removal of Chrome autocompletions which disturbed the input
  • Improvement :
    New filter "Type of phase" on all the tabs of a service.
  • Improvement :
    New filter "Scheduled status" on the personal tab of a service. This filter also modifies the listing of people in messages (same as dates)
  • Addition :
    Type of residence permit in the personal file
  • Addition :
    New right: Addition of the reason when creating unavailability
  • Addition :
    RGPD: The sending of emails and SMS on the employee files must be authorized (otherwise, we cannot send him a message)
  • Improvement :
    On personnel search, display of creation and update information on hover
  • Improvement :
    Passage of the right "Display / Add / Modification / Deletion of expense reports (limited employee)" in consultation
  • Improvement :
    Multiple selection of Companies in tours
  • Improvement :
    Adding route observations on the mobile version and in a tooltip in route management
  • Improvement :
    Addition of an Index field for sorting vehicles
  • Improvement :
    Multiple selection of Phase Types in the personal tab of a service
  • Improvement :
    Search by personnel number in a staff search for a service
  • Addition :
    Transport notes from locasyst including the Technical Summary
  • Addition :
    Addition of material on a tour
  • Improvement :
    Group for types of races
  • Improvement :
    Week number on the schedule
  • Improvement :
    New right for: Display and modification of employer loyalty
  • Improvement :
    New right for: Sending a message from the home page
  • Improvement :
    Addition of a commercial column on the last current and accessed services from the home page
  • Improvement :
    Refusal or absent on a selection of employee in the tab of the service sheet
  • Addition :
    Alerts during the planning if dates exceeded (CNI, passport, medical visit, residence permit, pro card, work permit)
  • Improvement :
    Dissociation of rights to display and add / delete documents on an employee file
  • Improvement :
    Display of race dates and times on mobile version
  • Improvement :
    Taking into account the recovery dates, and the departure / return dates in the locasyst gateway
  • Improvement :
    Removal of rights on qualifications, everything has been transferred to the rights profiles
  • Improvement :
    The totals line is fixed on the service sheet during the scroll
  • Improvement :
    The Spaiectacle v5 export has been merged with the Spaiectacle export, which manages the latest version of Spaiectacle
  • Addition :
    possibility of configuring additional hourly rates Sunday night and day (not under agreement)
  • Addition :
    Right on the visibility of qualifications on the mobile version.
  • Addition :
    Export of personal fields employees on contracts
  • Addition :
    Notes of phases / staff on planning services / attributions
  • Addition :
    Allocation of drivers on a service
  • Addition :
    Filter by company on plasma planning
  • Addition :
    New keyword REFUS_URL and INDISPO_URL allowing to distinguish a simple refusal from unavailability over the period
  • Addition :
    Possibility of passing a person in refusal or unavailable on a service
  • Addition :
    Transport budget on a service + recovery of value from Locasyst, Rent +, Etah
  • Addition :
    Addition of the service number (ID) on the detail of a service
  • Addition :
    New right Display and addition of limited documents on an employee
  • Addition :
    Right allowing to display or not the EventSoft updates
  • Addition :
    Possibility to add a follow-up on the races (mobile)
  • Addition :
    End of validity date for standard messages @VALID_URL, @RESERVE_URL, ...
  • Addition :
    Note of the schedule in the plasma schedule
  • Addition :
    Delivery precision field on address book
  • Addition :
    End date of validity of medical examination in the csv export of employees
  • Improvement :
    The rights profiles are now by company. You can assign for example a Super User on entity 1, but not on entity 2
  • Improvement :
    Company filter on service / allocation planning in multi-selection
  • Improvement :
    Recording of the opening / closing of teams in the Unrolled tab of a service sheet
  • Improvement :
    Global allocation of bonuses common to the qualifications of the salaries selected in the salaries of a service
  • Improvement :
    Possibility to delete the qualifications on the sign-up sheet
  • Improvement :
    Possibility of having several signers for COFFREO
  • Improvement :
    Add keywords @SALARIE_NOM, @SALARIE_PRENOM on sending an email or SMS
  • Improvement :
    Adding rights to display widgets on the home page (route, personal memo, updates, etc ...)
  • Improvement :
    Contracts are displayed and sent in PDF
  • Improvement :
    The number of show leave changes to 8 characters
  • Improvement :
    Add keywords @DATE_EQUIPE_HEURE_QUALIF and @CHANTIER_REGISSEUR to send messages from a service
  • Improvement :
    Ability to define a distance traveled per race
  • Improvement :
    Ability to mark a vehicle as being subcontracted
  • Improvement :
    Possibility to add a vehicle note on a phase + visualization on schedule
  • Improvement :
    Display of phase, staff and vehicle notes on the schedule
  • Improvement :
    Possibility to display the personalized fields of the services in the bubble info of the phase when we fly over it
  • Improvement :
    Display of service and customer numbers in the salary tables and schedules
  • Improvement :
    Display of cubic weights and weights on the tour sheet
  • Improvement :
    Export of Excel salaries 1 addition of service number and customer
  • Improvement :
    Possibility to add a meal basket column on the sign-up sheet
  • Improvement :
    Separation of rights to display or modify the salaries part in an employee file
  • Improvement :
    Ability to view the name of the client in the allocation schedule
  • Improvement :
    Addition of the remuneration column loaded in standard export
  • Improvement :
    Addition of personal fields of service on contract
  • Improvement :
    No display of routes on the general schedule if we filter on a type of phase
  • Addition :
    Management of commercial appointments on mobile
  • Addition :
    Assignment of a company in the management of subcontractors
  • Addition :
    Display of the service note on the table of current services
  • Addition :
    Display of employee compensation on the mobile version
  • Addition :
    Sending a summary salary email + associated text template + new right (Sending a summary salary email)
  • Addition :
    Sliding schedule for vehicles
  • Addition :
    sPAIEctacle wages export right
  • Addition :
    Working time counters in the salary status (Nb annual days / Nb hours displayed week / Nb four-monthly days / Nb hours annual / Nb WE annual) + display on services and personal history
  • Addition :
    Addition of personnel (other than driver) on a tour and removal of "Rippers"
  • Improvement :
    Precision of the qualification of a driver / staff in a tour
  • Improvement :
    Differentiation of Tours and Services on the schedule (color)
  • Improvement :
    Modification and deletion of vehicles indispos on the vehicle planning (new associated rights)
  • Improvement :
    A race can be recorded with an "undefined" schedule
  • Improvement :
    New filter "Billing company" in the message history
  • Improvement :
    Autocompletion of cities when entering a postal code (personal, address book)
  • Improvement :
    Duplication of race in the tour listing
  • Correction :
    Verification of the use of a vehicle when changing its rental dates
  • Addition :
    Display of updates on the home page
  • Addition :
    "Team" field in resource export on service
  • Addition :
    Possibility to define a salary and a half (from 10h by default) (contact Intrapole for activation)
  • Improvement :
    Better visibility of holidays and weekends on the schedule
  • Improvement :
    Filtering on service searches: multi-commercial, multi-project managers
  • Improvement :
    Redesigned route entry
  • Improvement :
    Unavailable unavailability is displayed on the planning and person planning (differentiated)
  • Improvement :
    Management of overtime hours per week, per day or on contract
  • Addition :
    Custom field of service compulsory or not
  • Add: Favorites, quick access to parts of EventSoft
  • Addition :
    Management of vacations with additional hours day and night
  • Improvement :
    Sending multiple files on an employee file
  • Improvement :
    New fields Deadline and unloading on a race
  • Improvement :
    Possibility to mark several DUEs as "Error treated"
  • Improvement :
    Profile of limited rights (not assignable if not the right Management and allocation of qualifications and profiles of limited rights)
  • Improvement :
    Management of accented and special characters in SMS
  • Improvement :
    Overtime per day
  • Improvement :
    Import of multi-entity Locasyst races
  • Addition :
    Addition of phase and service cancellation rights with calibrated personnel
  • Addition :
    Addition of the period of benefits returned in the general configuration by entity
  • Addition :
    Addition of rights on display and edition of the personal budget in the service
  • Addition :
    Addition of rights to display and edit personal and professional info of the employee file
  • Addition :
    Addition of personal and fixed phone fields and personal email on the employee file
  • Addition :
    Addition of the management of unavailability types in the general configuration
  • Addition :
    Addition of needs / duplicates / schedules alerts on a service
  • Addition :
    Addition of travel costs and predefined or manual meals in the service details.
  • Addition :
    Addition of salary notes in the salary tab of the service
  • Addition :
    Addition of anomalies alerts for unfulfilled need, doubling of staff, working time, monitoring of benefits on reception
  • Addition :
    Addition of error management in case of non import of rooms by duplicating a service (business.dupplication)
  • Addition :
    Addition of follow-up alert for personnel, vehicles, equipment and rooms in case of not imported after phase modification
  • Addition :
    Addition of reading multiple quotes on services from Locasyst / Rent + / ETAH
  • Addition :
    Addition of the export of endowments and material on a service
  • Addition :
    Addition of the category column in the endowments
  • Improvement :
    Ability to customize the required password complexity
  • Improvement :
    Purge the event log in the Purge page and optimize the eventsoft data
  • Improvement :
    Multi-quote service from the ETAH gateway
  • Improvement :
    Choice of phases / teams in the export of resources from a service
  • Improvement :
    Filtering by type of phase in a service
  • Improvement :
    Rapid addition of personnel from one phase becomes identical to adding personnel
  • Improvement :
    Filtering by multiple statuses on the schedule
  • Improvement :
    Filtering by multiple companies on the schedule
  • Improvement :
    Addition of breaks on mass schedule change
  • Improvement :
    Mandatory fields on the employee file depending on the entity
  • Improvement :
    Dog number on professional cards
  • Improvement :
    Reorganization of dashboard widgets and registration by user
  • Improvement :
    Update of home page graphics
  • Improvement :
    Selection of the type of contract applied to all in the pre-contracts
  • Improvement :
    Automatic update of the places and customers address book from the RENT + and LOCASYST gateways
  • Improvement :
    Filter creation date and modification in the staff search
  • Improvement :
    Presence, status and dates filters in the monitoring of contracts for a service
  • Improvement :
    Search in the service search notes
  • Improvement :
    Addition of recurring dates on the availability and unavailability of an employee file
  • Improvement :
    Search for services by location, customer and associated contacts
  • Improvement :
    Tour creation over a period
  • Improvement :
    Creation of employee file: payment by check by default
  • Improvement :
    Addition of the object field in the Quote / Invoice
  • Addition :
    Adding keywords in the text templates to send only the confirmed dates
  • Addition :
    Emailing of the roadmap from the employee file + text template
  • Addition :
    Creation of different statuses (planned, calibrated, confirmed) for vehicle planning
  • Addition :
    Identifier field on an employee file for user connection (email or free) (activation by Intrapole)
  • Addition :
    New keyword @CONFIRM_URL to request confirmation by email / SMS
  • Addition :
    New keyword @USER_EMAIL for email / SMS message signature
  • Addition :
    New keyword @LISTE_DATES_SALARIE suitable for sending SMS ex: 12 / 10,13 / 10,14 / 10
  • Improvement :
    Deactivation of address book entries rather than deletion
  • Improvement :
    Removal of lockout of ailments for people who do not have the "Modification of locked downtime" right
  • Improvement :
    Grouping by salary status in the allocation of staff
  • Improvement :
    Display in red and at the top of the list of priority services on reception + research + service + planning
  • Improvement :
    Display (except sect.) On services outside sector on reception + research + service + planning
  • Improvement :
    Colored background display on services with color attribute on reception + research + service + planning
  • Improvement :
    Filtering of salaries by financial analysis numbers
  • Improvement :
    Possibility of not having default schedules on a type of phase
  • Improvement :
    The personnel on a service is sorted by salary status then by name
  • Improvement :
    Personal database: Possibility to filter by hierarchical service
  • Improvement :
    Management of the disposals by multidate calendar with addition and deletion from it
  • Improvement :
    New Commercial filter on the schedule
  • Improvement :
    Reset button for filters on the schedule
  • Improvement :
    Addition of the subject of the email in the text models
  • Improvement :
    Addition of the client on the current services of the home page
  • Improvement :
    Import of the Reservation / Option status on the Locasyst gateway
  • Improvement :
    Mandatory personal field on the creation / modification of an employee file
  • Improvement :
    New filter "No assignment" on the filter "Planning Status." on the schedule
  • Addition :
    History of modifications on an employee file
  • Addition :
    New field on contracts: @CONTRAT_NB_HEURES_PAUSE: Number of hours of break
  • Addition :
    New field on contracts: @SALARIE_FONCTION_PRINCIPALE: Main qualification of the employee
  • Improvement :
    Chargé d'affaires filter in the service search on the mobile version
  • Improvement :
    Possibility to generate a vcard from an employee file on the mobile version
  • Improvement :
    Modification of vehicle entry and exit dates with precise hours
  • Improvement :
    Possibility to send a request for availability via SMS (short url to validate / refuse)
  • Addition :
    Dog identification number for security companies
  • Addition :
    Administration of document types, export of personal documents on delivery
  • Improvement :
    Add date filters on roadmap + personal and pre-contract
  • Improvement :
    Addition of the Client filter in the planning
  • Improvement :
    Add button to display phone numbers in the schedule
  • Improvement :
    Add phase filter in the schedule
  • Improvement :
    Add note icon in the Personal page when a note is present
  • Improvement :
    Addition of week numbers on the service schedules
  • Improvement :
    Ability to modify the need for an employee
  • Improvement :
    Display or not of general unavailability of staff on a service
  • Addition :
    Custom fields on delivery
  • Improvement :
    Passage of service notes 5, 6, 7, 8 in specific rights
  • Improvement :
    Addition of a document type on a personal file (Identity card, Residence card ...)
  • Improvement :
    Ability to delete a document in a race
  • Improvement :
    Staff search by email
  • Improvement :
    Display of staff unavailability directly in assignments on a service
  • Improvement :
    Adding an absent status on the staff of a service + recording in presta follow-up
  • Addition :
    Management of predefined financial analysis number on a service
  • Addition :
    Management of vehicle types, possibility of vehicle association
  • Addition :
    Management of text models (ex: predefined messages on service alerts)
  • Improvement :
    New right allowing to search and display any employee file without taking into account visibility
  • Improvement :
    Being able to process each expense report line by validating or refusing it
  • Improvement :
    Indispo management by multidate calendar with addition and deletion from it + mobile
  • Improvement :
    Management of teams / favorites by entity
  • Improvement :
    Alert when canceling a service if staff are on standby
  • Improvement :
    Filter on qualifications in salaries
  • Improvement :
    Compliance of the Single Staff Register
  • Improvement :
    Editing and viewing expense reports for employees (Manager)
  • Improvement :
    Distinction between qualifications and rights profiles + new associated right
  • Improvement :
    Creation of groups for employee custom fields
  • Improvement :
    Possibility to select "No contact" on a place or customer of a service
  • Addition :
    Purge functionality for employee and benefit data (GDPR compatible)
  • Addition :
    Editing of hours worked (limited employee) in mobile version
  • Improvement :
    Possibility to attach documents to a race and a tour
  • Improvement :
    New right: "Modification of the schedules of a phase with stalled personnel"
  • Improvement :
    Column for validation of the hours worked by the employees
  • Improvement :
    New right: "Display of service notes, staff, transport"
  • Improvement :
    Ability to define default times for each type of phase
  • Improvement :
    Services filter in multi-select in expense reports
  • Improvement :
    possibility to filter on expense reports awaiting responsible or accounting validation in the Status filter
  • Improvement :
    Counter on the follow-ups of a service
  • Improvement :
    New right on services "Display of documents limited to a service" + Option to add documents
  • Improvement :
    Choice of AND / OR search in the custom fields of the personnel database
  • Improvement :
    Address book by company
  • Improvement :
    Weekend and public holidays visible in the allocations
  • Improvement :
    New security rules on passwords (GDPR compatible)
  • Improvement :
    New right "Display of the schedule (all phases of a service)" to refine the management of consultants
  • Improvement :
    Display of service documents on the mobile version
  • Improvement :
    Display of notes on the day schedule
  • Improvement :
    Project manager filter on service monitoring
  • Improvement :
    Permanent storage of planning filters + plasma planning
  • Improvement :
    Performance in single entity
  • Addition :
    Services on the services + authorization of a service to access the service
  • Improvement :
    New fields on article management
  • Addition :
    Management of service note templates
  • Improvement :
    Notes 7 and 8 on a service
  • Improvement :
    Redesign of email templates and sendings on specialized SMTP (price on request)
  • Improvement :
    Multi-charge d'affaires on a service
  • Improvement :
    Individual increase of public holidays
  • Improvement :
    New filters responsible for business and teams / favorites on plasma planning
  • Improvement :
    Modification of the hourly rate on the fly in remuneration
  • Improvement :
    Hourly rates to 3 decimal places
  • Improvement :
    Team modification and multiple phase type
  • Improvement :
    Unavailability of an employee on a client
  • Improvement :
    Search for personnel by qualification group in the allocation of personnel
  • Improvement :
    History of sending emails (contracts, roadmaps ...)
  • Improvement :
    Ability to block assignments with blocking alerts
  • Improvement :
    Customer displayed on the services dashboard on the home page
  • Improvement :
    Add notes on the mobile version
  • Improvement :
    Company filter on the services dashboard of the home page
  • Improvement :
    Filter by staff planning status on the schedule
  • Improvement :
    Visibility of articles by company
  • Improvement :
    Login by email instead of the list of employees (contact us)
  • Addition :
    Addition of follow-up on service in the mobile version
  • Improvement :
    Sorting of qualifications by name or reference (contact us)
  • Improvement :
    Addition of the client in the Prestas dashboard in progress
  • Improvement :
    Add default text for sending pre-contracts by email
  • Improvement :
    Personal planning: display only active people
  • Improvement :
    Mobile version: Add / delete vehicles, equipment (+ rights)
  • Improvement :
    Mobile version: Visualization of planning notes (+ right)
  • Improvement :
    Mobile version: Addition of the service status of current services
  • Improvement :
    Group sending of messages in the endowments
  • Improvement :
    Ability to generate employee personnel numbers via EventSoft
  • Improvement :
    Add / Remove phase and personal on the mobile version
  • Improvement :
    Carte grise + tax horses on employee file
  • Improvement :
    Gray card on expense reports
  • Improvement :
    Multi-entity employee visibility
  • Improvement :
    Visibility service by common customer
  • Improvement :
    Visibility rating by entity
  • Improvement :
    Multi-pauses per phase (activatable on request)
  • Addition :
    Management of remunerations on customer-specific skills
  • Addition :
    Management of the customer-specific collective agreement
  • Improvement :
    Multidate on unavailability
  • Improvement :
    Sending pre-contracts in PDF by email
  • Improvement :
    Sending roadmap / trade show / service in PDF by email
  • Improvement :
    Endowments linked to an article and outside the employee file
  • Improvement :
    Automatic calculation of hours worked
  • Improvement :
    Multiple filtering of services on allocation schedule
  • Improvement :
    Sorting of contacts in the address book
  • Improvement :
    Registration of sorting on current services from the home page
  • Improvement :
    performance on salary calculation
  • Addition :
    Printing of the material listing from a service
  • Addition :
    Display of the last services accessed on the reception
  • Improvement :
    Mappy addition on the calculation of the reception route
  • Improvement :
    Addition end of validity of medical examination (by default from salary status)
  • Addition :
    Interactive maps of services and races + mobile
  • Addition :
    New status "in addition" on personal planning
  • Addition :
    New overtime slice on salary statuses
  • Addition :
    On person schedule: service filter, Presta teams, and Presta phases
  • Improvement :
    Reliability of sending emails
  • Improvement :
    Sorting of entities in alphabetical order
  • Improvement :
    Distribution of vehicle costs: Zone 1, 2, Province, Abroad + property cost
  • Improvement :
    Sending email when changing a medical visit
  • Improvement :
    Scroll of the general planning with conservation of the header (week view)
  • Improvement :
    Increase of the personal budget from Locasyst
  • Addition :
    Gateway with ETAH software
  • Improvement :
    Possibility to deactivate a qualification
  • Improvement :
    Optimization of display speed for personal assignment
  • Improvement :
    Import of phases and needs on Rent + import
  • Improvement :
    Autocompletion on multiple custom fields
  • Improvement :
    Export of the deposit in Excel1 / 2/3
  • Improvement :
    Display of the vehicle schedule for all companies in the schedules
  • Improvement :
    Taking the Hd column into account in the EUDs
  • Correction :
    Blank page on printing contracts on Chrome
  • Improvement :
    Display of details of bonuses on hover in salaries
  • Improvement :
    Addition of custom fields in the export of a service
  • Improvement :
    Addition of the export of the vehicles of a service on the export service
  • Improvement :
    Search for personnel without favorites / team
  • Improvement :
    Assignment of a favorite when creating an employee
  • Improvement :
    Visualization of employee notes and services on the allocation schedule
  • Improvement :
    Editing of employee notes on the allocation schedule
  • Improvement :
    Increase in the number of needs on the home page
  • Improvement :
    Period for redeclaring EUDs by salary status
  • Improvement :
    Reset of annualized hours / days on January 1st
  • Improvement :
    Option to make a qualification visible or not in the award on a service
  • Improvement :
    Option to mark a contract to send
  • Improvement :
    Option to make a custom field searchable in the directory
  • Improvement :
    Increase of the personal budget in the Rent + gateway
  • Improvement :
    Addition of several stage managers on a service
  • Improvement :
    Sending roadmaps by email in PDF
  • Improvement :
    Registration number on the modification of a file
  • Addition :
    Keyword @SALARIE_NUM_CARTE_SEJOUR on contracts
  • Addition :
    Amount of a restaurant voucher per company by salary status
  • Improvement :
    Optional, limitation of staff allocations to needs
  • Addition :
    Possibility to add a logo in the address book
  • Addition :
    Email alert when creating / deleting a service
  • Improvement :
    Alert on the use of the vehicle during its general immobilization
  • Improvement :
    Rise of his ailments on the schedule of the mobile version
  • Improvement :
    Assignment of notes to several employees
  • Improvement :
    Addition of a parameter to define the minimum duration for meal expenses
  • Improvement :
    Multi-participant management on the appointment module
  • Addition :
    Management of race types
  • Addition :
    New right to limit info on Locasyst quotes
  • Addition :
    Display of the Locasyst quote on the mobile version
  • Improvement :
    Classification on articles
  • Improvement :
    Double address on races
  • Improvement :
    On allocations, limitation of phases to needs
  • Addition :
    Excel export of employees of the directory + right
  • Addition :
    New attribute on the personalized fields to limit the display via the right "Display of the limited personal fields of the personnel"
  • Addition :
    Management of restaurant vouchers
  • Improvement :
    Total hours planned / performed in the salary summary
  • Improvement :
    Change of version of Holiday-Shows
  • Addition :
    Display of unavailability on the schedule, according to salary statuses
  • Improvement :
    The mobile version does not consume a license if the consultation module is active
  • Improvement :
    Coloring of active filters on the general schedule
  • Improvement :
    In rights management, better visibility of non-consultation rights
  • Addition :
    Currency management by company
  • Improvement :
    Add Locasyst prefixes in case of multi-company
  • Addition :
    Intranet module: internal directory, doc management, communication
  • Addition :
    Derogation from Sunday rest
  • Addition :
    Sorting by type of site in the schedule
  • Addition :
    Management of indisposed employees in multidates on calendar
  • Addition :
    New keyword of presta status for messages
  • Improvement :
    Sorting in materials and vehicles management
  • Correction :
    Monitoring of date filters between the tabs of a service
  • Correction :
    Availability management
  • Addition :
    Date of issue on the identity card
  • Addition :
    Roadmap on planning
  • Addition :
    Teams on the schedule
  • Addition :
    New attribute on a service to color a service on the general schedule
  • Addition :
    New contract fields @ CONTRAT_NOTES4, @ CONTRAT_NOTES5, @ CONTRAT_NOTES6
  • Addition :
    Possibility of exporting employees + photos by service to a zip
  • Addition :
  • Addition :
    Possibility of returning a DUE based on an existing DUE (ideal in case of error on the employee)
  • Addition :
    Possibility of mass deactivation according to criteria
  • Addition :
    Employee annualization in days
  • Improvement :
    Multiple validation of schedules
  • Addition :
    alert on working hours not validated by an employee
  • Addition :
    New rights on the hours worked (limited charge d'affaires)
  • Improvement :
    addition of titles and numbers of foreign workers in the personnel register
  • Addition :
    New right to limit all postings in time (ex: -3 months, +7 days)
  • Improvement :
    Possibility to import personal needs without staff on the duplication of a service
  • Improvement :
    Sorting by employee by default in the display of salaries + addition of asc / desc sorting
  • Improvement :
    Planning of vehicles
  • Improvement :
    New general appearance
  • Improvement :
    New right to display routes or not in the schedule
  • Improvement :
    New right to display the name of all employees in the schedules
  • Improvement :
  • Improvement :
    Planning of vehicles: cells are on one line
  • Addition :
    Right "Display of the schedule for non-calibrated people"
  • Addition :
    Summary of a service (schedule)
  • Improvement :
    Visual grouping of phases on the same day
  • Improvement :
    Sorting of employee status
  • Improvement :
    Linked files: modification and unique displays
  • Improvement :
    Show Leave per employee by qualification
  • Improvement :
    General performance
  • Addition :
    printing of a vehicle allocation sheet
  • Addition :
    sending an email alert when a status change on a service (configurable emails)
  • Addition :
    possibility of validating the additions of unavailability (new right)
  • Addition :
    right to make manual DUEs on a service
  • Addition :
    blocking option if the equipment is unavailable
  • Improvement :
    separation of SMS / Email / Tel texts by default
  • Improvement :
    possibility to edit the rights of a qualification from the qualifications management
  • Addition :
    Sort order in favorites / teams to sort the search results
  • Addition :
    Filter by team in the wages tab of a service
  • Improvement :
    updating dates in the filters on a service when adding a phase
  • Addition :
    vehicle filter on the race / tour schedule
  • Improvement :
    The alerts are calculated on the linked files of an employee
  • Improvement :
    Duplication of phase breaks
  • Correction :
    Correction of duplication of phases on night schedules and a long period
  • Addition :
    New consecutive work alerts> 6h and hourly amplitude> 14h
  • Correction :
    Alerts displayed when changing phase or personal schedules
  • Addition :
    Keyword @CONTRAT_CHANTIER_EQUIPE on contracts
  • Improvement :
    Keyword @REFUS_URL so that an employee can book by email on a service
  • Improvement :
    Sending confirmation email to the sender when an employee holds / reserves / unavailable on a service by email
  • Improvement :
    Multi-selection on the volume in the vehicle planning
  • Addition :
    New right to prevent the removal of past ailments
  • Improvement :
    Filter dates on sending messages from a service
  • Addition :
    Liaison between employees for common availability
  • Addition :
    New info in standard pay export
  • Addition :
    Vehicle statistics
  • Add: Filter by favorites on personal schedule
  • Improvement :
    Coef of salary charge + bonus on salary status
  • Improvement :
    Possibility to customize the title of a phase
  • Improvement :
    Sign-in sheets include unallocated requirements
  • Improvement :
    Addition of a right to modify and remove unavailability
  • Improvement :
    Input from 15-05-2015 08:00 to 15-15-2015 00:00:00 for an equivalent 23:59:59
  • Addition :
    Status of services on home page dashboard
  • Addition :
    Classification on an employee (title, coef, level, step)
  • Addition :
    VAT number on the company
  • Addition :
    Prefecture verification date for foreigners
  • Addition :
    Custom contract fields depending on the company
  • Addition :
    Alerts on employees' birthdays
  • Correction :
    Modification needs
  • Improvement :
    Annualization specific to the employee
  • Improvement :
    A service number must be unique
  • Addition :
    Annualization of employees on status + alerts on hours limit
  • Addition :
    Management of service statuses
  • Addition :
    Single staff register
  • Addition :
    Keyword @CONTRAT_TAB_PRESTA listing the services over the period of the contract
  • Improvement :
    Possibility to assign a planning note to an employee
  • Improvement :
    Possibility to adjust the hours of overtime by status
  • Improvement :
    Selection of a manager from the employees in Rent + mode
  • Improvement :
    Filtering by favorites / teams on the schedule
  • Addition :
    Professional card (add, print, alert)
  • Addition :
    Staff availability management (ex: weekends available)
  • Addition :
    Contract field @CONTRAT_TAB_REMU (list of dates + remuneration)
  • Addition :
    Signing sheet
  • Addition :
    Alerts on passport, identity card and staff residence permit
  • Addition :
    Horizontal planning of services and races
  • Improvement :
    The Rent + gateway goes up phases and needs
  • Improvement :
    The premiums have a specific rate for the theoretical calculation of the net
  • Improvement :
    Printing of the commercial summary on a service
  • Improvement :
    Manual DUE on a benefit, limited to the staff of the benefit
  • Improvement :
    Right on additional notes
  • Improvement :
    Addition of foreign declaration field on personal file
  • Improvement :
    The scroll is possible in the right part on the needs and attributions
  • Improvement :
    Vehicle allocation view
  • Addition :
    Criteria on personal needs
  • Improvement :
    Tours on an employee's roadmap
  • Addition :
    Management of subcontractors + view of its staff from a remote access
  • Improvement :
    Raising of platforms from Locasyst on races
  • Addition :
    Management of employee equipment
  • Addition :
    New status confirmed on staff planning
  • Improvement :
    Update of the Rent + gateway
  • Improvement :
    Display of the main qualification on the search for personnel
  • Addition :
    Follow-up on a service (incident, after-sales service, etc.)
  • Addition :
    Validation / refusal of the availability of an employee on a service by email
  • Addition :
    Message sent to drivers from a tour
  • Addition :
    Add note on the schedule
  • Addition :
    Departure / return platform on races
  • Improvement :
    Full multilingual support (UTF-8)
  • Addition :
    Qualification groups
  • Addition :
    Management and allocation of premiums
  • Improvement :
    number of SMS in history (including multiple SMS)
  • Addition :
    management of increases according to status
  • Addition :
    management of public holidays according to status
  • Improvement :
    consultant / mobile display from supervision of connections
  • Improvement :
    Adding the staff nickname on certain displays
  • Improvement :
    Add a favorite filter on salaries
  • Improvement :
    Possibility of having compulsory fields on a service
  • Addition:% increases (Night / Ferié / Sup25 / Sup50) on a salary status
  • Addition :
    Employee number by company
  • Correction :
    Order of duplication of qualifications on a service
  • Improvement :
    RIB disabled and IBAN by default
  • Addition :
    printing of Gantt schedule
  • Addition :
    detailed vehicle planning
  • Correction :
    wrong rounding on personal planning hours
  • Correction :
    browser update bug with saved password
  • Addition :
    Keywords @SALARIE_QUALIF and @SALARIE_EQUIPE on sending messages
  • Improvement :
    Verification of the BIC on an employee
  • Improvement :
    If presta> 3 months, the current month of the 1st phase is displayed
  • Improvement :
    Yes / No contract on salary status
  • Improvement :
    Filtering of services on which an exterior is set and unplanned
  • Addition :
    N ° financial analysis on the services, keyword contract: @CONTRAT_CHANTIER_NUMANALFI
  • Addition :
    service access rights if commercial on the service
  • Addition :
  • Addition :
    Keyword @EMPLOYEUR_URSSAF_NUM on contracts
  • Addition :
    Planning of horizontal services
  • Addition :
    Status reserved for staff (blocked on all services)
  • Addition :
    Right to edit contract tracking / DUE
  • Addition :
    Personal roadmap, for each employee
  • Addition :
    Keyword @CONTRAT_PHASES_TRAVAILLEES: phases with timetables
  • Addition :
    Keyword @CONTRAT_SALAIRE_JOUR (Full salary / number of days worked)
  • Addition :
    Keyword @SALARIE_NOM_NAISSANCE (Employee's birth name)
  • Improvement :
    Qualification and team on personal planning
  • Improvement :
    Multiple selection of project managers on salaries
  • Improvement :
    Display of teams and notes on the personal roadmap
  • Improvement :
    Display of breaks on the personal schedule
  • Improvement :
    Detailed personal planning with hours and breaks
  • Improvement :
    Auto refresh on tour
  • Improvement :
    Personal need> 99 people
  • Correction :
    Bug dates (NaN) on home page (Safari).
  • Correction :
    Slowness on allocation of vehicles / staff on tours
  • Addition :
    Keyword @PHASES_DATE_HEURE_TYPE_LIMITE on SMS / Emails (x employee phases)
  • Improvement :
    company filtering on home stats
  • Improvement :
    PHP 5.5 compatibility
  • Addition :
    "Types of services" statistics on the home page
  • Improvement :
    Update of the salary on modification of the schedules carried out on a non-agreed status
  • Addition :
    Send SMS> 160 characters
  • Improvement :
    If a service lasts 3 months, the current month is displayed
  • Improvement :
    Printing of contracts from DUE history
  • Addition :
    Auto SMS reminder at the start of the service
  • Improvement :
    Export Excel 1 possible on a full service: Excel sheet per employee
  • Addition :
    "My wages" allowing an employee to see all his wages, in read only
  • Improvement :
    Shutters frozen on needs and resources for a permanent display of resources and phases
  • Addition :
    Display of the conventional minimum remuneration on wages
  • Add: Reset and send password by email to users
  • Addition :
    Sending a contract by email to an employee (link), in the follow-up of the EUD
  • Addition :
    Multiple printing of contracts in contract monitoring
  • Improvement :
    Annual checks (Electors and eligible CE and DP, CDD of use towards CDI)
  • Improvement :
    Possibility of having a personalized paid export and using the classic CSV export
  • Improvement :
    Display weekends and holidays on all schedules
  • Improvement :
    Search for DUE by charge d'affaires
  • Improvement :
    Alert on account holder not completed if payment method by bank transfer on an employee file
  • Improvement :
    IBAN and BIC fields on CSV staff export
  • Improvement :
    Search for employees on qualifications over which the user has no right
  • Addition :
    Possibility to select other contract on pre-contracts
  • Correction :
    Qualifications associated during a CSV export of personnel
  • Improvement :
    Connection to Locasyst on ADS in ODBC
  • Improvement :
    Display of observations on race planning
  • Improvement :
    Filtering by employee on the salary tab of a service
  • Improvement :
    Addition of the signer's validation date
  • Addition :
    Display of the event log in the configuration
  • Addition :
    Default wages on the qualification of an employee by company
  • Improvement :
    Error if deletion of a need and allocation of personnel on this need
  • Improvement :
    Update of several salaries in 1 click
  • Improvement :
    Adding "unloaded" status on a race
  • Improvement :
    Display of contracts on DUE history
  • Addition :
    Management of signatories to contracts
  • Addition :
    Contract information on DUE history
  • Addition :
    Personal budget on financial management
  • Improvement :
    The planning services are sorted by date
  • Addition :
    Amendments to the employment contract (creation of an amendment if schedule, salary or qualification changes) @CONTRAT_AVENANT to be added to the contract
  • Improvement :
    Display of qualification on wages
  • Improvement :
    Display of the phase note on vehicle allocations
  • Improvement :
    DUE not reissued if a DUE same employee, date, company exists (no more DUE error already existing)
  • Improvement :
    Add / modify qualification on an employee
  • Improvement :
    Plasma planning: selection of phases to display
  • Addition :
    Races / Tours view on the schedule
  • Improvement :
    Addition of the buffer on AEM and CS
  • Improvement :
    Addition of @ SALARIE_ADR2 and @ SALARIE_ADR3 on contracts
  • Correction :
    Respect of the order of needs when duplicating a service + import of the type of service
  • Correction :
    We can no longer import a phase with the same start and end times
  • Improvement :
    Validation of a salary on the service (+ validation right)
  • Improvement :
    Possibility of copying on sent emails
  • Addition :
    Details of the phases on the personal schedule
  • Addition :
    Display of staff unavailability on the general schedule personal view
  • Improvement :
    Day of the week on the phases in the headers on the tabs of a service
  • Improvement :
    If the official title of the qualification of the requirement is empty, we take the official title of the main qualification
  • Improvement :
    Display of the day of the week of the phases on a service
  • Improvement :
    8 am-6pm by default on the creation of a phase
  • Improvement :
    Possibility of validation / invalidation project manager on the salary tab of a service
  • Improvement :
    Total hours + hours declared instead of hours declared only on a service
  • Improvement :
    Filtering of salaries by default on all salaries / all project managers
  • Addition :
    Printing of wages on a service
  • Addition :
    Cutting of work contracts if several qualifications on the same service for an employee
  • Addition :
    Keywords @DDEB and @DFIN in the messages, which generate the start and end dates of the employee on the service
  • Addition :
    Planning "Chargé d'affaires / Presta"
  • Improvement :
    Selection of a period on the allocation of vehicles
  • Improvement :
    Selection of a period on the Automatic DUEs
  • Improvement :
    A click on message on an employee on a service selects the employee only
  • Improvement :
    Display of non-calibrated on the personal schedule with icon /! \
  • Improvement :
    Import of the Locasyst commercial via Matricule 2
  • Improvement :
    Sorting of services by date on the home page
  • Improvement :
    Quantity to point on request of personnel
  • Improvement :
    Printing of the teams selected on Sheet Trade Show
  • Improvement :
    Pauses on adding recurring phases
  • Improvement :
    Storage of filters on services (Teams, dates)
  • Improvement :
    Addition of rights "Adding a service" and "Deleting a service"
  • Improvement :
    Object number not displayed on a service if annual object number
  • Improvement :
    Company + Tel upon signature of a quick message sending
  • Improvement :
    Company filter on message history
  • Addition :
    Provisional staff budget for a service
  • Addition :
    Search for personnel by bordering departments ex: 75 -> 92,93,94
  • Improvement :
    New field "Code section" on a company for export paid
  • Improvement :
    Meal and travel costs by default and by company
  • Improvement :
    Add bonus on wages
  • Improvement :
    Salary info for one qualification per company and / or per employee
  • Improvement :
    Selection of several companies on pay and export pay
  • Improvement :
    Ability to delete schedules from a roadmap
  • Improvement :
    A status can have a different contract per company
  • Improvement :
    Search in the history of signed contract EUDs, sent or not + employee alert
  • Improvement :
    New fields "Employment code", "Activity code" on qualification for paid export
  • Addition :
    Status of a phase
  • Improvement :
    Phase colors on adding / modifying phase
  • Improvement :
    Standardization of countries, country of birth and nationality of employee file
  • Improvement :
    New marital status (Divorced, Marital life, Separated, Widowed)
  • Improvement :
    New field commercial establishment on a company
  • Improvement :
    New employee fields (roll 2, address 3, payment method, children and dependents)
  • Improvement :
    Smtp sending customizable emails
  • Improvement :
    Addition of the creator of the DUE in the history
  • Improvement :
    Several companies on a qualification (+ salary information)
  • Addition :
    Field "Minimum rate of the conventional category" on contracts
  • Addition :
    Request for registration to Show Leave
  • Addition :
    IBAN / BIC on employee + RIB to IBAN conversion
  • Addition :
    Documents in the address book
  • Addition :
    Annual checks on intermittent staff
  • Improvement :
    Search in the sub-quotes of a service during a search for benefits
  • Improvement :
    Display of the short route on the creation of a service
  • Improvement :
    Display of the charge d'affaires on a race
  • Improvement :
    Ability to display and print multiple DUE acknowledgments at once
  • Correction :
    Distance calculation on service
  • Correction :
    Adding subcontractors
  • Correction :
    Bug displaying vehicle planning on general planning
  • Improvement :
    2012 Show Leave Update
  • Improvement :
    When printing an employee file, clicking on a block deletes it
  • Addition :
    History of messages sent on a service
  • Addition :
    Grouping by team on the roadmap / file / show + needs and quantities
  • Addition :
    Preview of image documents on an employee file
  • Addition :
    Messages sent on the history of an employee
  • Improvement :
    Stall / shift / delete several employees on a service
  • Improvement :
    Modification subject and sender on sending email
  • Improvement :
    Place note added on the creation of a race if present
  • Improvement :
    History of messages accessible from the home page
  • Improvement :
    Planning menu, possibility to select several project managers
  • Addition :
    management of pause times achieved
  • Addition :
    accounting reference on a qualification for export salaries
  • Improvement :
    employee status filter on wages
  • Improvement :
    employee status filter on hours worked
  • Improvement :
    SPAIEctacle V5 support
  • Improvement :
    selection of the default company on the creation of an employee
  • Improvement :
    display of service notes on EventSoft Mobile
  • Improvement :
    addition of the original salary before modification
  • Improvement :
    addition of the creator on unavailability
  • Addition :
    working time on personal planning for the selected period
  • Addition :
    alerts on working time
  • Addition :
    right on working time alerts
  • Addition :
    "no photo" filter on staff search
  • Addition :
    Excel export on salary export
  • Addition :
    type of service depending on the company
  • Correction :
    minor bugs
  • Improvement :
    adding default message on auto messages
  • Improvement :
    added PACSé status on an employee
  • Improvement :
    possibility to add email, medical visit, marital status on a contract
  • Correction :
    minor bugs
  • Improvement :
    update DUE v120
  • Improvement :
    multiple quotes on a service
  • Improvement :
    financial management
  • Improvement :
    export pays yes / no on salary status
  • Improvement :
    recording of the last type of auto message sent
  • Addition :
    detailed view of the material and room planning
  • Addition :
    material view, material need and pers / mat need on the general schedule
  • Improvement :
    addition of the category to define a material need
  • Improvement :
    Address book: 8-character postal code for abroad
  • Addition :
    employee filter on the personal tab of a service
  • Addition :
    sending of a list of service material by email
  • Addition :
    material on the roadmap
  • Addition :
    weight, volume on the material
  • Improvement :
    display of immobilized and unconfirmed vehicles on: service, vehicle allocation, rounds
  • Correction :
    distance calculation on a service
  • Correction :
    email modification employee on Outlook 2010
  • Correction :
    verification of the service number during a modification
  • Addition :
    creation of recurring phases
  • Addition :
    monitoring of contracts and DUE (signed, sent ...) on a service and in the DUE history
  • Improvement :
    replacement of ViaMichelin by Google Maps
  • Improvement :
    possibility to force the number of hours on a service for printing contracts
  • Addition :
    Advance column (fees) on remuneration
  • Addition :
    ATD fields (Notice to Third Party Regulator) on the employee file, export possible to pay
  • Improvement :
    sending of material by email to recipients of the personal database
  • Improvement :
    compulsory fields on race creation
  • Improvement :
    observation and material fields visible on route management
  • Addition :
    material: need, allocation, availability and planning
  • Addition :
    new E-mail field on personal files
  • Addition :
    possibility to resend messages in the message history
  • Improvement :
    creator and modifier on phase popups
  • Improvement :
    sorting of the Export of Show-Shows according to the sort displayed
  • Improvement :
    E-mail columns and departure time on Netpaie export
  • Improvement :
    possibility of informing another stage manager about a service
  • Improvement :
    duplication of documents during duplication of employee file
  • Improvement :
    search for personnel without registration number
  • Addition :
    list of people connected on the configuration page
  • Addition :
    creation of recurring services on the EventSoft configuration page
  • Addition :
    trade name on the general configuration
  • Improvement :
    possibility to send an SMS without sender (empty mobile field on the file)
  • Improvement :
    sorting on the history of Show-Leave and DUE
  • Addition :
    financial management in conjunction with Locasyst
  • Addition :
    3 new notes on a service (activated by Intrapole)
  • Addition :
    recording of the personal planning display, vehicles, rooms in cookie
  • Addition :
    possibility to designate a main document on material, rooms, personnel, vehicles documents
  • Addition :
    "Notes" view on the schedule (limits the display to services including the selected note)
  • Improvement :
    opening alerts from reception and filtering according to the alert
  • Addition :
    photo ID via webcam on employee files
  • Addition :
    staff search on the mobile version
  • Addition :
    room agenda
  • Addition :
    custom material fields
  • Addition :
    custom room fields
  • Addition :
    alerts on custom vehicle fields
  • Improvement :
    update JavaScript library 3.3.1
  • Improvement :
    racing module
  • Improvement :
    addition of the number of documents on the documents tab of a service
  • Improvement :
    filter by driver on route management
  • Addition :
    EventSoft version specific for iPhone / Android mobiles
  • Addition :
    preparation package on a "package preparation" phase if the amount is indicated on the qualif
  • Addition :
    mass staff duplication tool
  • Correction :
    possible return on the printing of the personal tab of a service
  • Improvement :
    hardware module (new fields)
  • Improvement :
    JavaScript library update 3.3.0
  • Addition :
    personal view without planning needs
  • Improvement :
    possibility of removing the hourly rate for Sun / holiday
  • Improvement :
    PHP 5.3 compatibility
  • Improvement :
    general performance
  • Addition :
    right limiting the edition of the main qualifications (the official title must be a main qualification)
  • Addition :
    document management on a vehicle
  • Improvement :
    home page statistics
  • Addition :
    team filtering on services
  • Addition :
    document management on an employee
  • Addition :
    duplication of employee (all fields, qualifications + photo)
  • Addition :
    stall alerts based on the collective agreement
  • Addition :
    import of Locasyst races Delivery rental and Resumption rental
  • Addition :
    validation field on the hours worked
  • Addition :
    new Presta / Location / Customer planning view
  • Improvement :
    JavaScript library update 3.2.1 (bug fixes)
  • Improvement :
    update graphics library (bug fixes)
  • Improvement :
    import of project manager from Locasyst (followed by)
  • Improvement :
    possibility to choose the interval for displaying the prestas on the home page (see Intrapole)
  • Improvement :
    Quay display on routes
  • Correction :
    popup bug on planning overview
  • Addition :
    alert on employee custom fields and sending of the alert by SMS / message
  • Addition :
    accompanying column on wages
  • Improvement :
    distinction of unavailable "Suspended" employees on staff search
  • Improvement :
    possibility to remove the concept of loyalty
  • Improvement :
    configuration of the night / day rate according to salary status
  • Improvement :
    JavaScript 3.1.1 library update (bug fixes)
  • Addition :
    annual object number per company, exportable on administrative documents
  • Improvement :
    sorting by name / volume on the vehicle schedule
  • Improvement :
    display of unavailability when looking for staff
  • Improvement :
    update of EventSoft through a proxy
  • Addition :
    official title on qualifications exported on administrative documents
  • Addition :
    deduplication tool on qualifications
  • Improvement :
    search by name on the vehicle schedule
  • Improvement :
    search by name on room planning
  • Improvement :
    preview of the image of a material
  • Addition :
    place added on remuneration, especially for exports
  • Improvement :
    DUE treated immediately if AR "DUE already existing"
  • Improvement :
    filtering on the current week on the Tours and races service
  • Improvement :
    addition of departure and return platforms on tours
  • Improvement :
    salary pagination and simplified export mode to reduce page loading
  • Addition :
    room needs and room addition on a service
  • Improvement :
    performance optimization
  • Improvement :
    JavaScript 3.1 library update (memory usage and performance)
  • Improvement :
    display or not the ailments on the daily schedule of vehicles
  • Improvement :
    on a service, filtering on the dates of the wages tab
  • Improvement :
    possibility to print a phase
  • Correction :
    bug on verification of security number
  • Addition :
    search for races
  • Addition :
    automatic numbering of services without Locasyst / RentPlus
  • Addition :
    documents related to material and generation of thumbnails
  • Improvement :
    visualization of the entire Locasyst quote
  • Improvement :
    paging of equipment, rooms and vehicles
  • Improvement :
    shopping module (address book link ...)
  • Addition :
    duplication of a service
  • Improvement :
    possibility to print the personal tab on a service
  • Improvement :
    ergonomics management of employee personal fields and message history
  • Improvement :
    general optimization of execution speed
  • Addition :
    RIB and Show Leave verification on addition / modification of employee
  • Addition :
    filtering of the display of phases over a period on the service module
  • Addition :
    staff search without SS, CS, RIB, VM numbers
  • Addition :
    staff search based on loyalty criteria
  • Addition :
    history of staff collaboration (services, endowments, DUE, qualifications, indispos)
  • Improvement :
    display of schedule entries made
  • Correction :
    bug on personal schedule when changing the date with a selected employee
  • Addition :
    races and tours module
  • Addition :
    Locasyst gateway for importing subcontracting to shopping
  • Correction :
    bug on double screens
  • Improvement :
    added status style when adding staff to a service
  • Improvement :
    search for employees by loyalty on the Personal module
  • Addition :
    printing of contracts on a service before issuance of DUEs
  • Addition :
    support for multiple connections on Locasyst
  • Improvement :
    JavaScript 3.0 library update (bug fixes, performance improvements)
  • Update for Collective Agreement - step 2/2
  • Update for Collective Agreement - step 1/2
  • Addition :
    right "Modification of Employee Endowments"
  • Addition :
    "Service status" filter on the general schedule
  • Improvement :
    updating the AEM rate to 11%
  • Improvement :
    appointment planning
  • Addition :
    multi-company mode: management of several object numbers on a service
  • Improvement :
    Holiday-Show update
  • Addition :
    vehicle needs planning, pers / vehicle needs
  • Improvement :
    main schedule display, day schedule
  • Improvement :
    multi-company mode: management of several Locasyst sources
  • Improvement :
    possibility to choose a display period on the Salaries tab
  • Improvement :
    update JavaScript libraries (Chrome support, bug fixes, performance)
  • Addition :
    NetPaie pay software gateway
  • Addition :
    fields on the employee files (marital status, separation of RIB)
  • Improvement :
    place filtering on room planning and management
  • Addition :
    room planning
  • Improvement :
    display of personal planning and vehicles
  • Improvement :
    grouped display of needs on the schedule, personal view
  • Addition :
    management of custom fields on vehicles
  • Addition :
    "Status" filter on personal schedule
  • Improvement :
    research in the management of vehicles / rooms / equipment
  • Improvement :
    ergonomics of DUE history
  • Improvement :
    new field on contracts (@CONTRAT_NB_HEURES_TRAVAILLEES)
  • Improvement :
    ergonomics adding equipment / room in one phase
  • Addition :
    management of unavailability on vehicles
  • Addition :
    management of phase types (in Configuration)
  • Improvement :
  • Improvement :
    limitation of qualifications on a company (multi-company)
  • Improvement :
    limitation of phase types on a company (multi-companies)
  • Improvement :
    in the management of qualifications, possibility of replacing one qualification with another
  • Addition :
    search for immediate availability in the personal tab
  • Improvement :
    service sheet: addition of location notes and links to Google Map, "Location information" and "Customer information" sections
  • Improvement :
    SMS / email alert on personal search and on medical visits alert
  • Improvement :
    salary tab: "number of hours paid" corresponds to the hours on which there is a salary or in the Hours declaration column
  • Improvement :
    salary tab: "number of set hours" corresponds to the planned hours
  • Improvement :
    on wages, the column "Declaration hours" is completed with the number of hours of the VAC during pricing
  • Improvement :
    ergonomics management of qualifications
  • Improvement :
    hourly management of personal unavailability
  • Improvement :
    display of total and day requirements on the day schedule
  • Improvement :
    multi-company mode: possibility of assigning a vehicle to a company
  • Improvement :
    multi-company mode (group and subsidiaries), limitation of access rights depending on the company
  • Amélioration : gestion des visites médicales selon le statut du salarié (12 mois pour les intermittents et 24 mois pour les CDI par exemple)
  • Amélioration : affichage des salariés et salaires lors de la suppression d'une phase si les salaires sont validés
  • Amélioration module salaire : affichage plus concis et affichage d'informations (dont le besoin) lors du survol du nom de la prestation
  • Correction : bug empêchant de retrouver certaines prestations passées dans la recherche de prestations
  • Addition :
    sending a registration request to URSSAF if the social security number is not completed on an employee file
  • Addition :
    edition of employment contracts with a WYSIWYG
  • Improved control of the social security number, and display of the key
  • Improved sending of emails (use of intrapole smtp)
  • Correction :
    various small bugs on the address book
  • Improvement :
    possibility of not displaying on the schedule, services with a specific status (to be defined with Intrapole)
  • Improvement :
    modification of the style of the employees statutes (color, size, bold font ...)
  • Improvement :
    JavaScript update (Firefox 3 support, performance improvement, bug fixes)
  • Addition :
    Google Gears support for Turbo mode on EventSoft
  • Improvement :
    search for personnel by number of such landline and mobile (if you receive an SMS from an unknown number)
  • Improvement :
    search for services by object number, between 2 dates, or without object number
  • Improvement :
    from a service, possibility to choose the contracts to print
  • Improvement :
    support for Firefox 3
  • Addition :
    region + department + employee planning link on staff search results
  • Addition :
    color of employee status on wages
  • Improvement :
    research on the Show Leave number on the staff search
  • Improvement :
    on the phases, possibility to modify the schedules, the type, the team and the note at the same time
  • Addition :
    possibility of locking an unavailability to prevent its deletion
  • Improvement :
    possibility of seeing present and past unavailability
  • Improvement :
    possibility of adding the birth department on a contract (@SALARIE_DPT_NAISSANCE)
  • Improved service search
  • Addition :
    possibility of generating the request for convocation to occupational medicine with the DUE
  • Addition :
    license system by simultaneous connections
  • Improvement :
    during a phase duplication, possibility to modify the team
  • Improvement :
    JavaScript library 2.1 update
  • Addition :
    object number (Annexes 8 and 10) on services (displayable on contracts)
  • Correction :
    bug of popups on the schedule
  • Addition of a right to display quotes on services
  • Improvement :
    posting of the validation status of wages on benefits
  • Improvement :
    addition on the home page of "My employee file" and "My unavailability"
  • Addition :
    possibility of adding a commercial on a service
  • Addition :
    possibility to add one or more types of service (sound, light, video, structure ...) to a service (administrable fields)
  • Addition :
    team management on services (eg tour management)
  • Addition :
    needs sheet (for communication between the sales representative and the production manager)
  • Improvement :
    verification of existing service number
  • Correction :
    rights bug on adding vehicles
  • Correction :
    driver / site manager bug in IE
  • Improvement :
    filtering on address book categories
  • Improvement :
    search on the pseudonym (stage name) in the personal planning filters
  • Addition :
    management of categories in the address book (ex of use: type of customer, type of place ...)
  • Correction :
    bug on birth dates before 1970
  • Improvement :
    update JavaScript library 2.0.2
  • Improvement :
    ergonomics of the address book
  • Improvement :
    sPAIEctacle gateway
  • Improvement :
    ergonomics of staff search
  • Addition :
    "Mini" field on the custom fields used for display on search results and mini-file
  • Improvement :
    addition of the field for Occupational Medicine on EUDs
  • Improvement :
    export of personnel in improved CSV format
  • Improvement :
    schedule configuration for plasma
  • Improvement :
    management of errors on the dates of the phases
  • Addition :
    unavailability on personal schedule
  • Addition :
    comments by default on the roadmaps / service / dossier / lounge (General configuration)
  • Fixed a bug on the home page on two-month horse riding services
  • Improvement of employee files
  • Addition of new employee file fields: Country, Passport, Identity card, Residence card, Work permit and their validity dates
  • DUE update version 4.4.3
  • Improvement of daily planning: display of needs
  • Improvement :
    display of the manager's mobile if present
  • Improvement of the automatic DUE script before delivery
  • Addition of the linear personal planning
  • Optimization of the display of the schedule and services (Ajax)
  • Correction of the display of the manager on compound names
  • Fixed bug displaying salaries at the end of the month on the Salaries tab
  • Update of AEM to version 4
  • Improvement :
    JavaScript library update 2.0.1
  • Addition of vehicle needs management
  • Improved vehicle allocation (same as personal)
  • Improvement of the daily schedule of vehicles
  • Improvement of AEM: implementation of V4 specifications
  • Adding a planning view: Service number
  • Addition of the residence permit on the employee files
  • New version EventSoft 4.0
  • Improvement of the general software interface with extensive use of Ajax technology
  • Addition of functionality: management of personal and vehicle needs
  • Addition of functionality: personal and vehicle daily schedules
  • Addition of functionality: planning of staff and grouped vehicles with visualization of their planning
  • Improved editing of wages on a service
  • Improved display of landlines on the Salary module
  • Improvement of Dashboards: monthly statistics
  • Improvement of the SMS module: updating of sending statuses
  • Addition of a history of message sending
  • Update of Javascript libraries
  • Addition of a "Statistics" view, daily statistics on the planning
  • Bug correction on the "Number of phases per service" statistic
  • Statistical addition: Number of hours stalled, Number of hours paid
  • Addition of the total number of hours paid / calibrated on wages
  • Locasyst gateway improvement: display of elements in the order of the estimate
  • Improvement :
    on the detail of a case, possibility to see in overview the DUE and sent messages
  • Improvement :
    on the history of DUEs, possibility of directly seeing the error when flying over AR
  • Improvement :
    on the schedule, memorization of the selected views even after disconnection
  • Addition of functionality: Sending SMS or email message from the home page
  • Addition of functionality: Custom contract fields
  • Improvement of employee file: passage of the "Languages, Permits, N ° permit, Problem contact, T-shirt" fields in custom fields
  • Improved verification of social security number
  • Improvement of salary exports: sorting of employees by last name, first name
  • Addition of functionality: Personalized employee fields
  • Addition of functionality: Calculation of the distance (km) between the company and the delivery address on the services
  • Display correction on manual DUEs
  • Improved sending and processing of employee photos
  • Addition of a status management on services (To be confirmed, Validated, To be revised ...)
  • Improvement of the sending of SMS (possibility to display the customer, first name such as the current user, the phases)
  • Addition of the possibility as an employee on a service to see the service sheet
  • Addition of an automatic import of the phases on the Vtiger gateway (estimate / invoice) format: 08/19/2007 09:00 - 08:00 installation
  • Improved company display: company name instead of company code DUE
  • Addition of a verification on the duplicates of personnel numbers during an employee creation
  • Correction of a bug during a staff search in the Midi-Pyrénées region
  • Correction of the right "Display of any service (as Account Manager)"
  • Addition of the possibility as an employee on a service to see the service sheet
  • Fixed file upload bug with SSL
  • Addition of a gateway with Vtiger, quote / invoice software
  • Improvement of the addition of employee: default selection of the status "Intermittent"
  • Added new EventSoft update system
  • Improvement of the addition and deletion of phases on a service: less page reloading
  • Addition of a dashboard: Distribution of services by project managers
  • Addition of a dashboard: Distribution of social declarations (DUE, AEM, CS)
  • Addition of a dashboard: Key figures (salary, DUE, employees, benefits ...)
  • Improved management of unavailability (addition, search, modification)
  • Visual improvement of unavailability on an employee
  • Visual improvement of the endowments on an employee
  • Update of a Javascript library (bug correction in Safari)
  • Add EventSoft updates in the configuration page
  • Adding an EventSoft configuration page (home page -> Configuration button)
  • Addition of salary status management
  • Addition of contract management
  • Update of Javascript libraries (bug, optimization, performance)
  • Addition of a search by region on the addition of personnel and in the personal database
  • Improvement of error messages and text in general
  • Graphic improvement of icons
  • Improved staff additions, more unnecessary page reloads (Ajax technology)
  • Bug fix: only a Super-user can now add a Super-user
  • Removal of the "Guest" function in the rights management (system function)
  • Graphical improvement of preview popups on the schedule
  • Update of external libraries: pdf, graph (bug correction, performance improvement)
  • Optimization of Javascript libraries (weight reduction for faster loading)
  • Addition of a confirmation message on the addition of personnel on several phases
  • Various rights correction (statistics, services, phases, schedules)
  • Addition of multiple setting / shifting of staff on a service (Staff tab)
  • Improvement of the display of the names of Chargé d'Affaires, unification: "First name NAME"
  • Addition of the right: "Display of any service (as Chargé d'Affaire)" (to limit the display of services)
  • Addition of the right: "Display of unallocated services" (for automatic import from Rent +)
  • Addition of the right: "Management of wages on a service" (to limit the display of wages on a service)
  • Improvement of rights management, reorganization of labels, promotion for additional modules
  • Correction of the checkbox "all" of the rights management under IE6
  • Improved vCard, the "scene name" field is transferred to the second first name for Outlook search
  • Update of Javascript libraries, bug fixes, performance optimizations
  • Update of Javascript libraries, bug fixes, performance optimizations
  • Improved ergonomics of adding / editing appointments on the RDV module + possibility of printing a long text
  • Added automatic formatting of date and social security number entry
  • Improvement of the selection of fields of type 'checkbox' with the possibility of clicking on the associated text
  • Addition of a new gateway with Rent + rental management software (
  • Improved home page graphics
  • Improved ergonomics "Search for services" (full display of fields)
  • Addition of the possibility to visualize the services without attribution of Chargé d'affaires (in pink, marked NOT ATTRIBUTED)
  • Correction of the bug of attribution of several identical quotes on a service, it is now authorized to be able to assign several teams to the same quote
  • Improvement of the ergonomics of the Places & Rooms database (research / addition / listing / sorting of columns / positioning on the line in editing)
  • Improvement of the ergonomics of the Material database (research / addition / listing / sorting of columns / positioning on the line in editing)
  • Improvement of the ergonomics of the Vehicles database (addition / listing / sorting of columns / positioning on the line in editing)
  • Addition of a new schedule: Employee / Client
  • Addition of the number of employees planned on a phase on the general planning ex: Dismantling (6)
  • Addition of "Contact location" on a service
  • Improvement of the ergonomics of the creation / modification of a service
  • Modification of the title of the fields "Contact name / place" in "Manager", "Company name" in "Customer", "Customer name" in "Customer contact"
  • Correction of the bug which deleted the quote numbers when clicking on "Add a quote number" on a service creation / modification
  • Improvement of the personal file with the possibility of reinstating a deleted employee
  • Improvement of the personal file with the display of the creation date and last modification as well as the creator and last person who modified the file
  • Improved support for tablet PCs, especially on autocompletion menus
  • Improvement of ergonomics of the history of DUE (filtering processing)
  • Addition of an alert of DUEs in errors on the home page (link to filtered DUEs "DUE State: Error / None"
  • Addition of a State filter (Activated / Deactivated) on the search for personnel allowing to find people deleted from the database
  • Correction of the button "My services []" on the home page allowing to display only its services
  • Improved usability of the login page
  • Improved Safari browser support (MAC OS)
  • Adding a Vcard export of employee files (.vcf) to the listing in the employee database
  • New addition of hourly rate salary management system. The employee receives a daily salary based on his hourly rate. This system incorporates 3 hourly rates per person (day, night, Sunday and holidays)
  • Addition of holidays on the schedules
  • Improvement, references and functions are now 16 and 64 characters
  • Improvement, the service number can now be alphanumeric
  • Improved paid exports to Spaiectacle, Sage Paie, and Pegasus 3
  • Addition of salary management system by pricing. From now on, it is possible to select a daily salary according to the function and the number of hours worked by the employee
  • Addition of "service no." In the service filter of the Salaries module allowing to find more quickly by a service no.
  • Addition of Yahoo and Wikipedia search tools
  • Improved display of employee list in "Favorites" with sorting alphabetically
  • Improvement of the system for adding photos to the file used with resizing
  • Adding the dashboard: display of the company's activity over the month and over the year
  • Addition of Customers, Places, Suppliers databases. The software allows when creating services to select directly from the database information about customers, places and suppliers.
  • Adding access to current services from the software home page. This tool allows you to access all the current services without doing any research.
  • Improvement of the staff search system on the planning. To search the schedule of a person on the EventSoft software, simply enter the first letters of the surname or first name of the person sought in the box provided for this purpose on the schedule.
  • Added automatic SMS sending system. This feature allows you to send an SMS directly from the EventSoft software to field staff to check its availability. The SMS can either be directly generated by the software or written manually by the user.
  • Improvement for the charge d'affaires with DUE rights, to carry out DUEs for people planned on his services.
  • Addition of visibility in the management of services for the state of the EUDs and the employment contracts of planned staff.
  • First public version of EventSoft!

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EventSoft is edited in France by Intrapole, company specialised in web solutions implementation for business management.

4 bis rue George Sand, 91540 MENNECY, FRANCE